5 makeup products and she didn't include mascara? Eyeliner but no mascara? I vehemently disagree.
5 makeup products and she didn't include mascara? Eyeliner but no mascara? I vehemently disagree.
OP knows it's wrong to make sweeping generalizations about people based on skin tone, OP just doesn't give a fuck.
Some white folks genuinely don't seem to think it's wrong or offensive. It's hard to believe, but yes, they're just that oblivious and dumb. It's Hanlon's razor- never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity. There actually isn't a conspiracy amongst white people to offend and suppress…
Ok. You can stop now.
I've always wanted to feel a pregnant belly but I've always felt it's waaaay too creepy to ask (let alone do it without permission.) I'm waiting for my sister to get pregnant so I can finally satisfy my curiosity.
What's happening? I'm scared...
I'm far from an expert on the subject but it seems as though unregulated adoptions are frighteningly common. Jez just had a story on "private re-homing" in the US a few weeks ago.
That whole article is frightening. This is why there are laws and procedures regarding adoption. It's too easy for kids to fall into the hands of predators. Maybe she did have the best intentions when she sold them/gave them up but it's still wrong.
Someone over at Gawker told me that their lawyer has admitted they are guilty of welfare fraud. That most of the 14 children they claimed to have simply don't exist. If welfare fraud is the worst thing they did, to me, that's not a huge deal. Obviously they are living in poverty and do have children to take care of.…
Jezebel is selectively leaving out information about her maybe-adoptive parents. From Gawker's article:
I don't know. But I am glad to hear another perspective on the matter. Ignore the hoard of angry assholes.
I'm going to be the asshole that points out that you don't have to choose between cheese and being the size you want to be. It's not an either/or situation.
The trailer/clip there was very explicit. Don't see what the confusion is.
When I read stuff like this, all I can think is that it gyms cause these kinds of feelings and reactions in most people, then people with social anxiety are fucked. The gym terrifies me.
Maybe you have the Ultimate Resting Bitch Face. Teach us your wicked ways!
Haha, thanks. Took me a while to get it cropped just right!
Some dudes will use absolutely any excuse.
Or maybe we wear padded bras so people won't stare out our nipples when we get cold. Or think we're "asking for it" when the temperature drops.