
It is the absolute shits (literally). She was recently on the bland diet and does not seem to digest rice at all. I don't get it...

I as just browsing the site and they do indeed have a whole section that talks about this. They look like a great company. Might be just what I'm looking for. Thanks!

That's great! Now if only the made a grain free version for my gastrointestinally challenged dog. (Buying food for her is getting insanely hard.)

But but but aren't men who wear such things lying to prospective mates? It's false advertising!

Do you know if any of Orijen's ingredients are sourced in China? I'm looking for a new food for my pup.

Even if they're made in the USA the ingredients could be sourced from China. It's more complicated than people realize.

I was reading about this last night. The really scary thing is that even if you buy American made food/treats, the ingredients and animal proteins could still be from/raised in China. I'm at a loss at what go buy for my pup now :(

It was a stupid question on my part, I think I already knew this in the back recess of my mind where I keep information I don't actually want to know.

Ugh. Creepy.

lol. I had to google it. It's called The Crazysitter and it looks absolutely insane.

You're not wrong, but... jeez.

Regarding 'Missing White Woman Syndrome,' I wonder if blonde haired blue eyed children are more at risk for child trafficking because of the way society deifies (blonde angel) those traits ie I wonder if they sell for more money than other kids. :(

Congrats to all of you. I hope it is a rousing success! (And based on the panicked and fearful words of Mike Judge and your first Amazon reviewer "Davis" I think it will be.)

I had the perfect solution. Katharine McPhee's character would play Norma Jean and Megan Hilty would play Marilyn. They'd both be playing to their strengths. And imagine duet at the end with Norma Jean and Marilyn singing about their life and death! Ugh! It was so fucking obvious and would have been awesome. I hate

That's an excellent point. Many people don't seem to understand what rape actually is. In those cases, education is a real solution.

Try as I might, I can't get outraged over someone trolling institutional sexism, even institutional-sexism-in-the-name-of-God.

I'm sure any rapist would read that and quickly learn the error of their ways and lead a blameless life ever after.

On one hand, people are rightly outraged at those Vine videos that have been coming out lately of women apparently/maybe being sexually assaulted, and wonder how the fuck so many people can see that happen and do nothing. On the other hand, a precautionary email which tells people to watch out for one another is

PMDD has little to nothing to do with the "crankiness" of PMS. Only ignorant people would suggest such a thing.

Did I say you weren't allowed to say something? No. I just questioned what your comment had to do with the thread. Obviously this is an important subject to you and you've dealt with some shit. But I don't see the point of going on a tangent about how it's no one's responsibility to "waste" their time dealing with