The Fanboys Fanboy

Naw they brought it up earlier this season briefly when Winston invites Alys whole family to Schmidts house….that's too funny of a plot to just drop.

Oh boy I CANNOT wait until Winston remembers he's already married. wonder what they plan on doing to undo that Classic "Prank"

So Basically Prometheus is more likely than not Talia Al Ghul ready to get revenge for Oliver killing her father a couple seasons back. He's already confirmed Prometheus had a similar fighting style to someone he met in the past and since she's the only one that looks like she could go toe to toe with Ollie from the

A little surprised that no one else has mentioned the fact that this is the second time Sheldon used the "now I'll let you go back to your date" line after advancing his relationship with Amy….one of my favourite parts of this weeks episode.