
Too many races. Too many arse-clown countries trying to sport-wash their appalling realities and far too many races in 

Naw - fuck off cunt. And keep fucking off until you can’t anymore, but keep trying.

That was fucking fast. Poor people in the cars that copped the initial impact had no chance and, mercifully, likely knew nothing.

Well done, everyone’s rightly providing you travel advice.

They let you breed?

Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery, they say.


There’s a lot of Pantera in that car, still horn though!

These stupid things are emblematic of all that is wrong with the world.


Now this kinda article is premium Jalop.

Yay for $kay!

That CSL and M1 are the stuff of my teenage obsession!

Yeah he is.

This keeps descending, doesn’t it?


Certainly a good looking car. My gripe is that it is completely anathema to the original concept of the Mustang - affordable style and performance, aka the Pony car.

Certainly, but few as shit as this one.

NP all day long. Maxwell Smart drove one of these (and a Karmann Ghia). What further endorsement of cred do you need?

Really? Who gives a fuck?