
Not really biased but they aren't going to confirm something that hadn't been confirmed from their source article..

Get real, no one gives a shit about LAN anymore - it's pointless.

Halo Reach was/is awesome. Honestly the closest next generation Halo to come anywhere near how great the Multiplayer in Halo 2 was! There's just so many games to play and so little time.

Really? I thought it was looking pretty awesome.. I'm somewhat shocked to see that the SP is pretty underwhelming.

I'm kind of disappointed though, I really thought this Single player was shaping up to be something awesome. Something different from Call of Duty's "every level is an insane action scene"

It seemed like a fun game, but you could tell it was more of an experiment. And with games costing $65 with tax I pick and choose carefully. For example, I'd rather spend $65 on Skyrim or Rage than Bulletstorm.

Honestly, LA Noire was way over hyped. It was just an average game with unique elements, but that didn't make it good.

PC is definitely the only way to play this game.

I'll probably be playing some Team Fortress 2 and I'm going to download the Starcraft 2 SE and try out a few games online.

I was really looking forward to Battlefield 3 but it seems as if since playing the beta and all that my hype for the game is gone. I think I'll just stick to TF2 and League of Legends for now and wait for Skyrim. I'm kind of wiped out on the whole modern warfare FPS game.

hahahaha this made me lol!

Yea it's a very early age to die. Pancreatic cancer is no joke, it's a guaranteed death. It's sad that he had it and got it so early.

I feel the same. I just came home from the gym and saw that he had passed on the news. And it's weird - I've never felt so sad about someone I have never known dying. In my book, Steve Jobs is in a category of his own. He was a true visionary and now - a legend.

It's amazing what Steve Jobs accomplished. He molded Apple into not just your standard tech company, but one with a iconic image, message and lifestyle.

I doubt it's really time consuming or monetary consuming to create 3 Gears of War maps at Epic games.

If you can wait I would just wait. I'm going to get Skyrim on day one, and really it's only about a month off. My reasoning is, while I think I would like Rage, I don't think it's worth the purchase. I know I would only play it for a month and then my attention will be on Skyrim. Plus, $65 is a fair bit of money

I'm so over this story. I think Bethesda is being greedy and it's a bullshit sue. But I'll still buy Skyrim. End of story.

Agreed. If the beta was this glitchy they should of made it a closed beta. Making it open just gives the option for people to make an entire opinion about the game.

Super Troopers reference FOR THE WIN! I love you now more than ever :D Broken Lizard is awesome.

I remember thinking the original Gameboy was the most amazing thing ever. And then with the Gameboy Color I was like wow! Playing games on the go, with color?! I was stunned.