
I wish it were winter so we could freeze it into ice blocks and skate on it and melt it in the spring time and drink it!

Gameloft is junk.

Lol I love the internet.

Fuck special editions.. I'll never buy one again. Not worth the money, the extra stuff is cool for a day and then the rest of the time you just play the game.

I'm just saying the pay is terrible for four years. Retail in general for four years is a crappy job, and especially in a place like GameStop where "ranking" up stops at SGA.

Planking is dumb, but what is even more stupid: Working at GameStop for four years.

In the end it doesn't really matter. But the thing is, the MOBA title has already latched on strongly to games like HoN and LoL.

I don't think we need a new console immediately, but definitely sooner than what game publishers are going for. I believe if they ride this out too long, a lot more people will take a second look at PC gaming.

OnLive is actually a nice service, definitely a step towards the future of video gaming. If they are able to get more developers and publishers, they will be a serious force.

There is no monthly fee for OnLive.

Mahwhrahmahgrawh TURDUNKEN!!!

Want to hear a joke?

I already love it and I don't know a damn thing about it.

das bullshit.

Hey EA go fuck yourself and shut your whore mouth. But seriously, wtf? Come to an agreement, make the deal happen, get some money and go home.

OMG no thanks. I gave up on Pokemon after red/blue and they started shitting out Pokemon. Red/Blue was amazing though.

EA should buy this Jeep from the winner and put Battlefield 3 on it.... WIN

Keyword: Generally. All I'm saying is basically "don't judge a book by its cover". This movie is very early in development, there's no way to know if it's good or not so developing an opinion already is fairly ignorant.

This game doesn't look fun at all... and I bet they want $60 for it.

"This Is the Helmet You Are Looking For" I don't know about that.