
It's REALLY not that big of a deal. Although I don't like these stupid pre-order bonuses and junk - a lot of people already know if they are buying the game or not. And if you are, go pre-order it if this is such a big deal. I'd imagine the people that get so worked up about this are the ones that will be buying


Your opinion is subjective and ignorant.

I don't use Twitter, it seems pointless to me.

Random percentages make everything seem more factual.

Touch screen looks fail? iPhone/iPod has the best touch screen I've ever used so far..

I'm kind of over this whole PSN hacking thing.. NEXT.

Wow, this is stunning.

@Yankton: Let the man make a joke!

"Too many went too far with their reviews... we r reviewing who gets games next time.."

@therealtj: You don't know if they were or weren't..

Looks like the same shit different setting.. no thanks. Battlefield 3 anyone? ME ME ME

Not impressed...

Misleading title...

For me I could see myself buying a NGP and playing it at college during my free time. But I'll also have a laptop so I am on the edge about a purchase. Sony really needs to show me that this thing is more than a glorified PSP. I mean, portable gaming is fun and it is no doubt a much better experience than one can

You can't fuck with that mustache.

the healer

I'm sure speaking Klingon will be impressive on a resume.

This was made for you :D