
Actually, If there's anytime TO release it - it's now.

I don't want to hear about SOCOM 4 anymore, Zipper really fucked the game up. It plays incredibly slow - it doesn't resemble the slightest bit of an actual SOCOM game. It's sad they had to fuck up a great franchise in the hopes to gain a more casual following, but I doubt any casual players will want to play this

No. This game is not a SOCOM game. Everything that defined the series back in the PS2 days has been tweaked or removed. Simply put, this game is terrible.

Article hook = 10/10

Ugly... =/

Actually it comes out in 2016 because there will be another year of console shortages. PLAN BETTER


In this day and age, releasing just a multiplayer is a death wish. The SP will actually be worth it's while in my opinion. They have been working on this game for awhile, they know how to make a multiplayer game - there's no need to worry.

Theoretically, if you have enough speed you can travel through time - space and time are "one". But it isn't possible to travel BACK in time, only ahead.

In all honesty, I think Angry Birds is a boring game.

Did they have a sleep-over with Killzone?

"We will bury or confirm this rumor as soon as a verifiable source provides information about Tajiri."

They should make another Kameo and Perfect Dark!

How did the first one stack up against the N64 versions? I was a huge fan, and Nuts and Bolts seemed a little off. But then again, I didn't play much of it.

It was simply hype, and I think we all knew that the game wasn't going to work as well as it was shown - as if Peter Molyneuxs' Lionhead studio behind the title wasn't enough of a realization.

To me, Prey and The Darkness were both fun games that I thought got overlooked.

Talk shows and fake courtroom's ahhhhh, mindless daytime television

I forgot about this game lol.

I was hoping for RUSH the band.

Ohhhhhh Brink. How I want you to be good, but I need to play you first.