

So they play Starcraft for most of their life.. big deal, it could be worse.

Wow, they make the game sound a lot more fun than it actually is. Kudos.

I'd have to say, I would be a boring person in this "study". Droid, keys, and wallet.

Looks more like an orangish-red to me. =D I love privacy filters.. people are so snoopy these days.

Still, there's something about Jake Gyllenhaal staring in this movie that makes me not take this movie serious.. at all.

There are no more video games. Just one big game called life.

"Have you just been gaming for the past two hours? You just did the equivalent of a line of cocaine"

""botting" being the use of automated programs to run through the game's boring stuff for you."

This better be something amazing, the SP RPG genre has a lot of big names.

Look! There I am billions of years in the future!

The question is not if I would pay $150, but rather is Project Natal incorporation into games worth $150?

His name is Snake. I think one can determine enough information about him by that fact alone.

Nobody fucks with Gabe Newell.

I'm kinda more interested in the fake "mario kart" in the ad than blur. And I'm a big boy. My mommy told me so =)

I don't play WoW anymore, but $2.99 a month to bid/buy/sell? Take that $2.99 and shove it far up your fucking ass, Blizzard. Fuck you.

Absolutely ridiculous.

Hopefully this solves all the issues regarding RDR MP. The Multi is great, it just needed to be patched. I suspect it will hold my attention for quite a while. A much needed break from MW2....