
Where is the 10 Million Lives Lost statistic?

I like them.. Still think my Nike Bejiings are better =)

@Kamen Rider Gatack: Yeah, I already know I'll be buying.. let alone everyone else who likes a shooting game. Got to admit though, that console looks pretty nice

Is it November yet? No..? Back to sleep..

Wow, you'd think this game is saving world hunger from all the praise it's getting. Accessory after accessory after controller after headset after console.

But does it blend?

Wow... so stupid. Those lines from the monitor case would be so damn annoying..

Just Cause was a okay game, but nothing amazing. This one is sure shaping up looking like a awesome game.. definitely will check this out.

Did they add a 2nd analog yet? No? I'm going back to sleep.

I thought it looked like Iron Man too

It looks like that one video game that has that one character and you do that one thing. YouKnoWatImTlkinBOUT?

Could they make the statue people look any more stupid?

Because simulation skateboarding is so much better than the real thing.

@jsvalen3: Lol, rhythm is a easy thing to learn when playing an instrument. It might be hard if you're a tard - but I understand.

@Scott Kelly: My statement is reasonable, yours - not at all.

Cheaper solution - 2 step process - FREE

"Nintendo DS - Because real life graphics suck"

Pokemon will never die. I'll be 30 and telling the kids playing Pokemon, "Yeah? well I remember when there were only 150 Pokemon."

I wonder how many great guitarists there would be if people spent the amount of time playing Guitar Hero on actually learning to play a Guitar.