It looks alright. I remember Jaffe said it was better looking than Gears 2? I don't think so..
It looks alright. I remember Jaffe said it was better looking than Gears 2? I don't think so..
Champions Online anyone? Hmm.. I think I might wait for APB.
Cool! Off to the Army I go!!!! Byyyyeeeee
lol I can't believe I bought this. I remember how much of a stirr is caused too.
Yay for making money off virtual money. Yay
And then someone said: Millions of people run around as elves and orcs in a virtual fantasy world? And pay a monthly to do so? lol gooooood one!
Ironic that it's not the Halo 3 360 console, but a regular pro.. and the Halo 3 console bundle didn't even come with Halo 3. Microsoft: Get your shit together.
Hell, look at the Gears of War 2 cover. How cliche is that?
I agree.. If I were a dev creative freedom would be a VERY high priority, most likely #1 on my list.
Good choice of picture lol
If only they release this on the 360..
I'm actually kinda excited for this, it's looking pretty good. Don't let me down Ensemble!!
Um, EA: You shouldn't be cutting employee's you need more employee's to make your games better. Now all were going to see are new *innovative* football texturing in Madden 2010.
Riccitello looks like a crackhead
Too bad Gears of War 2 _________
Why did they even bother? Losers.
Hmm.. I get so Hot n Cold when I think of how Stoked I am over Skate 2. I'd say it's not like the heebee geebee's, but more like the Jumble Madness of the Ultimate Shooting Collection. I think I might buy Star Ocean: Second Evolution, Deal or No Deal?
WTF? This game looks awesome, they have to revive it. It looks pretty damn solid and complete already.
Eveybody look and say: Ooooooh.. Ahhhhhh...