
New DLC? YAY more shit I wont buy. Gears 2 is easily the game that disappointed me the most in 2008. Campaign = GREAT, Online - not so much. Back to CoD4 I've been since November.

lol I find it funny how ridiculous the "5 Doller Foot long" jingle/advertisements are but they actually work. Most people are aware of those commercials and the "5 Doller Foot long" phrase. Good marketing IMO - so stupid it works.

Wow... (no pun intended). This is pretty wack. Out of all games that would suffer from a micro-transaction system MMO's would seem to be #1 on the list. What would be the point in leveling up your character and achieving the better weapons/items when you can just buy them? Destroys the whole purpose of the game,

HOME is where MSFT is not.

WTF? Send me the game that they bought with my tax money..

Microsoft: Take notes and utilize notes for creation of next ulta-multi-usage-walffle-making-gaming-console.

See, why is the hedgehog illegal in the first place when they can't even think of a reason for it to be illegal when asked? Laws are f'ed up. I'm looking at your 'Marijuana Tax Act'.

I can see it now, "Halo: ODST will have 16 player Co-Op, oh and that one game Huxley is never coming out.. ever."

LEGO Gears of War?

good to see Diablo on there, that shit had my life in Junior High

Every time I see "MMO" I think of HUXLEY. The game that will never freaking come out. The only MMO's on my list are All Points Bulletin and kinda-sorta Champions Online.

@hoopesk2: Just a misleading title, that is all.

I wonder how many games used the Unreal Engine out of all games released last year? (Excluding handhelds etc. of course) Probably a lot I'd think. It seems like whenever they announce a new game it's always, "and it will be using the Unreal Engine 3".

Hmm.. Kind of late? WoW = No Bueno anymore. Maybe they should of done this when they hmm.. released the game?

@Compensido: lol you're an idiot. Fun and fair is what I mean by "chill". You have no room to comment as you have not even met either managers, so leave your ignorant comments somewhere else and quit polluting Kotaku.

I bet WAW would of been amazing if Treyarch hadn't been working on freaking QUANTUM OF SOLACE...

How about the Wiimote controlling the Balance board in turn controlling the iPhone in which it controls the remote control car. That is the true test.

11.5 Million lost lives.

@Mal-Content: It really depends on the manager. I've had three managers. The first one was AWESOME. Let us chill, have fun, even play video games. Then he left and we got a new manager and it sucked. He was by the book and I thought it couldn't get worse. Then he left and we got another new manager. And it got