“I see trans women as real women.”
“I see trans women as real women.”
“Dave Chappelle making jokes about trans people directly leads to violence, whether it’s verbal or otherwise...”
If trans people make the argument that gender and sex are different concepts and people should be able to seperate the two, WHY CANT THEY DO IT? Why cant their gender be female and play male sports????? Why are trans people incapable of what they ask of the rest of society????
Are you guys allowed to have a different opinion on anything ever? Men competing against women is fucking stupid. I cant believe you guys pretend it isn’t.
Kind of a huge fucking ethical difference between a pregnant woman or new mom being arrested and an evil narcissist piece of shit who conceives a baby AFTER BEING CONVICTED of serious charges.
Ripping newborns and infants away from their parents?
Women have never been been seen as full human beings with sentient rights. What do we think is going to happen if we keep extracting the idea of Women from public view, knowing this? The overturning of Roe v Wade to start....Being concerned about the erasure of “Woman” from our lexicon is not exclusion of trans…
Also, the talking point isn’t “the supreme court’s reversal of roe was radical and took away women’s rights” became “democrats think men can give birth and any language criticizing them is violence.” She did not eviscerate him. She derailed the conversation to lecture him on trans-inclusive language, and then accused…
It’s not transphobic to question the fairness of trans women competing against biological women. That’s called critical thinking or debate. It’s not inherently transphobic to have questions about something. Saying that is just a method to shut down meaningful debate.
Males are not female as much as you wish that were true. Next to nobody believes TWAW and the fact we’ve done this to women, forcing them to accept men in their intimate spaces, taking their spots on sports teams, housing women in prison with violent male predators is misogynistic and utterly inhumane and insane. This…
Why are males competing in the female division? And using the women’s locker rooms and showers when the women have said they do not want men in there is rapey.
If it’s not about winning medals, then couldn’t trans women just compete in the mens division and nullify any arguments?
Attack on transwomen? I thought it was attack on biological women instead.
Males never should have been allowed to compete in women’s sport in the first place. They should also be kept out of women’s locker rooms and showers when women say no.
Because a biologically female body would not perform well against biologically male bodies, in most sports. On the other hand, a biologically male body will perform very well against a biologically female body in any sport.
It seems disingenuous to say that this is simply an attack on trans athletes and that it’s not about protecting fair competition for female athletes when there is no one pushing for banning trans men from competition. If it were just about oppressing trans people there would be blanket bans, not only bans based on…
It is a tough situation. I want everyone to be able to pursue their goals, but I agree with the ruling. Transgender women who go through male puberty before transitioning have a natural advantage that is proven by science. It isn’t fairly to biological women to have to compete with them. Maybe we need new categories…