
I got the third-string guy for a saturday matinee, he looked and sounded nothing like Lin or his backup, it was great.  Reminded me of when I saw “The Wild Party” and Mandy Patinkin bailed on that performance, his standby had already been on like 20 times and was fantastic (still sad to have missed MP).  Worst one was

couldn’t take how awful this movie was

I know that’s what Pete fantasized about

They all would have got jobs at Goldman Sachs and it would have turned into “Saved By the Bell: The Corporate Years”--honestly what is more disingenuous than a stand-up comedian who makes movie after movie where he hails firemen, social conservatism, everything except what he does...if it wasn’t so ham-handed I’d

you are a born optimist

that’s fair except that then he wouldn’t have had sex with ariana grande’s impossible that it could be true.

This is 40 is like hearing REO Speedwagon’s lead singer describe how happy he is in his relationship. It’s supposed to be an advertisement for growing up and accepting responsibility etc.etc. but his wife is an insufferable harpy and his daughter is a vapid jerk. Anything to do with his own independent personality is

Again Judd Apatow will channel his crypto-social-conservative conformist sensibilities into a story about a successful person doing things that they did not do in order to become successful. Amy Schumer had to say that her comic persona was a “broken” person to get an Apatow movie and make a feature-length infomercial

It just shows the power of belief (that I am not susceptible to) except the empress won’t stop taking off her clothes.  Some people are so solipsistic they create their own gravity for those in thrall.  I once knew this girl who was REALLY into Citizen Cope.  like...REALLY.  I knew another girl who was really into

I’ve only watched 4 episodes, so I’m not spoiling a lot here:
The main guy is the kind of undifferentiated block of foam some shows really love...I don’t know why they were so committed to such an uninteresting protagonist. They treat his looks the way SNL treats Chris Hemsworth, it’s exhausting, they cannot let a

I used to describe the Mordor sequence in Fellowship of the Ring as “watching somebody else play gauntlet”...Fall goes it one worse by “reading somebody else play the first Final Fantasy”

I mean...I liked Silent Running but I’ve never been that into cosplay

If you mean you listen to Bad but not Dangerous then we agree, after all it makes sense: he told you he was bad and that was troubling but not disqualifying...then he was like “No...I’m actually Dangerous.” Wait...Smooth Criminal was on Bad...I think I have to revise my timeline.

He’d already been inappropriate with Anthony Rapp (and others doubtless) by then.  Think about it like this: “Off the Wall” Michael Jackson plausibly hadn’t started molesting kids yet, so it’s a borderline call... “Dangerous” it was probably too late.

okay big internet props for dad joke of the day: HE TOO

This couple was involved in a story where Azealia Banks was the good guy.

nobody expects the spanish inquisition ;)

I just doubly hold it against McGregor because the gap between his interesting work (Shallow Grave and Trainspotting) and the boring smiley guy he is in nearly everything else is a yawning chasm. He’s like if Eric Bana still had any talent to betray.

you don’t have to tell me: I, like many, look at cats on the internet, and there are always those people whose cats are too young to have spayed or who can’t have it done right now because of COVID...apparently it is quite the display :O