1. Why are the giraffe’s shoulders that high if reaching food is not a factor?
1. Why are the giraffe’s shoulders that high if reaching food is not a factor?
Picked a bad line, panicked, grabbed the brakes, this caused the bike to straighten up from the lean, and into the wall he went.
Why do you think that “Climate change or not, all islands are destined to disappear” actually means “All islands are destined to disappear because of climate change”?
Actually, the flavourless tomatoes are a product of breeding that selected for good looks and not good taste. The exact gene change that causes the loss of aroma has been identified and could be reversed using GM techniques (without changing the look of the tomatoes), but so far it’s impossible to get this simple…
Are we looking at the same pic? It looks marginally better than the new one, but it is still horribly misshapen.
We are only now beginning to gain some deep understanding on the shortcomings and risks of breeding, thanks to the improved understanding of genetics - see this very article for an example. And please don’t use the existence of corporate corruption as evidence for against the safety of a technology. If someone found a…
Nobody is using Clarke to denounce magic in fictional worlds. They just used the phrase to state that it seems that in this one particular fictional world, everything that appears as magic is in fact just advanced science. This is why they used the words “Marvel’s approach is...” instead of “As Clarke always said...”