This just made me eBay 'quilt.' I never knew I wanted one, but apparently I do.
This just made me eBay 'quilt.' I never knew I wanted one, but apparently I do.
I don't think any one of them is a sufficiently nuclear shade of orange to really convince as a male stripper. Even Matthew Mahogany.
The oil cleansing method is the only thing that's ever worked for me. Steam, massage with a 50/50 mixture of castor oil and jojoba oil (less castor if you have dry skin) for 3-5 mins, leave for another minute, use a lukewarm cloth to wipe the oil away, splash with cold water, then moisturise (if you feel dry). Do it…
After having watched this, I'd be very surprised if she turned out to be completely terrible. I suppose mediocrity would be understandable, since there are a lot of different factors involved.
I would 'kill, kill, kill,' but frankly I don't think I have the energy.
I've not read the books, but I did see the first film. Is race an important thing in the books? Like, are there tensions or relationships between people of different ethnicities that might need to be conveyed in the future films?
Jezzies, my ladybrain has had a revelation.
I love the point that you don't hear any critics complaining about how bulky and muscular Liam Hemsworth is. In order to get that big you have to take on a lot of calories, especially protein. If they were going for something 'realistic', his level of activity coupled with a low-calorie diet would make him much…
Cenedict Bumberbatch doing the sexiest version of the Seven Ages of Man speech from Shakespeare's 'As You Like It' that you've ever heard.
Wait a minute - when he mentions Dylan's 'All Along the Watchtower', is that a Battlestar Galactica reference?!
Her 'psych-up commentary' is very similar to the one I gave myself today when trying to get rid of a spider sitting on my bedroom curtains. Except I didn't go through with it - I just chased the spider behind the curtains so I could pretend it wasn't there. And now I keep obsessively checking the area where it was to…
Tim Riggins has ruined me romantically. My heart has decided that it won't settle for anything other than an emotionally damaged yet essentially kind-hearted ex-high school football star.
Not *directly* related, but highly sweet and entertaining: []
When I used to swim, one of my favourite things was lining up behind the guys waiting to jump in the pool for warm-up. So many beautiful lats and delts...
Admiral Ackbar agrees.
*hands up*
Have you ever watched The Good Wife? That's about the wife of a man running for State's Attorney, and the person running the campaign keeps trying to get her to do TV interviews because the public really like her, and it's important for the candidate to be seen as a good husband and father.
Oh, I wasn't trying to covertly suggest you should lose weight! I agree with you about people who push their restrictive diets on others - it's sanctimonious and annoying. Also, sometimes people dive into these things without thinking and actually end up eating a less balanced or 'healthy' diet than they did before!
Strangely, it's actually very easy to gain weight on a vegan diet because a lot of foods that are rich in protein but not derived from animals - tofu, nuts, grains - are much more calorific than lean meat and dairy.
ARGH Emma Stone give me your face RIGHT NOW you heartless gorgeous witch