Nihilism is Exhausting

We are all eating bugs already. There are federal limits for the amount of bee parts in honey, insect bits (and rodent feces!) in flour and a host of other commodities. Bon appetit!

She got temporary relief in exchange for what? The Long game would have been to use LF against Ramsay and then use the Lords of the Vale against LF. Ramsay gone followed by LF, one hand washes the other. She’s fighting a war and presently her evil husband not only has 2-2.5 more troops but his are better armed and

But what did she accomplish? She turned away someone she could have used and perhaps 20-30K fresh troops. I always figured Sansa would marry herself to Sweet Robin and cut out the middle-man, literally.

I think it’s time for all nations that want to participate in the Olympics to pony up a few dollars, euros, pounds, shekels, rupees, etc. and give them to Greece, where a permanent dedicated Olympic Village will be built. Greece has no money, but they can donate land. Building it will help the Greek economy. (Why

Yet many of those same Americans could tell you without fail that there’s 3.5 grams in an eight-ball and 28 grams in an ounce.

“Don't be so critical." -Enrico Fermi-