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    I think the underwhelming performance for Street Fighter V and the deflated perception of Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite is actually one of the best things to happen to fighting games in a long time. Tons of people disappointed in them are looking around for other games, giving them chances that they most likely would not

    I thought Super Street Fighter II X for Matching Service was the first online fighting game.

    I had a discussion the other day about how no game that tried to replicate the gameplay of Smash Bros. has ever been successful. The changes they make to try to distinguish it from Smash Bros. range from acceptable to broken, but I don't think the gameplay is necessarily its greatest appeal. In my view, the reason a

    It's amazing to think that Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite is being compared unfavorably to Dragon Ball FighterZ, a game that deliberately imitates an anime from the 1990s. Not only that, but it's an art style that was discredited for a time, but at some point in the last few years, Akira Toriyama's character design is

    There's been a trend lately of games giving feint attacks, where the character makes a fireball motion but doesn't shoot. I don't see it much in competition but I'm sure it has its uses.

    There's at least a decent reason for it though. The first sequel to Guilty Gear was Guilty Gear X, which at the time it came out wasn't the worst choice for a sequel name. It was followed by Guilty Gear XX, which for some reason was called Guilty Gear X2 in some territories. Then the requisite baker's dozen of

    The question has to be raised, if fighting games never had real tutorials or even training modes for years, how did all those millions of people ever get any good at Street Fighter II?

    It's Jamie. And of course there can be 100 female characters in a game. Gather together every Nintendo game ever and I'm sure you'll find a good selection. It's how you get the Wii Fit Trainer into a Smash Bros. and things like that.

    As much as people like their classical stuff, Nintendo's best music is fully orchestrated. Super Mario 3D World and Mario Kart 8 showed that they really ought to go into 20th century genres more.

    If I were allowed to make a Smash Bros. with exactly 100 characters, all of them would be female. A Smash Siss., if you will. Just to throw everybody off.

    Please bring back the E3 Murder Reports.

    Disrespectful people like the AM2R maker deserve slaps in the face like that.

    I enjoy everything Tekken 7 stands for and how it presents it all. A shame then, that the only thing I don't enjoy is the gameplay.

    Mario and showtunes. Sign me up.

    They never waste any time. Nintendo loves to just cram as many titles as possible in half an hour like they do with major Directs.

    I guess, contrary to popular belief, cease-and-desists of high-profile fan games like AM2R aren't damaging to game companies' bottom lines after all.

    Way to rip off Nintendo again, Microsoft. Xenoblade Chronicles X → Xbox One X. Don't think we aren't fooled.

    I've been saying for a while now that fighting games don't do enough to invite new players and there ought to be one that does only that. Arms might just be that game if it's played up right, for all the reasons stated in the article. There's nothing resembling execution or combos, those things central to the genre

    Why not?