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    What makes it so great is that it's obvious why it's great. Tons of people are all saying the same general things, like how open and trusting it is to the player's whims and how they aren't restrained to any particular order to the game's story beats and how challenging it is to offset these. A lot of them are coming

    I remember when I first saw a dragon. There I was, en route to activate another tower, but I see a ruined outpost in a valley on the way with a spire that surely has a treasure chest or something on top. I climb it, spin the camera around to make sure I'm not missing anything and HOLY HELL WHAT IS THAT GIANT SERPENT

    I talked up how instrumental the travelers are in making the game feel like a living organism instead of just a great big world with things to do in yesterday's post wrapping up the review. I want to add that it's not just the way they talk to you and how they're an active part of the roads you travel, but what they

    I'm fine with them just getting knocked out instead of dying. The game is plenty grim already without on-screen civilian deaths.

    Speaking of charm, I kinda really like all the NPCs in this game, and not just for their dialogues and more dialogue options than the games before it that give a lot more potential for entertainment. Every once in a while you'll see travelers—male and female for once—fending off monsters, either by defending

    Speaking of the Scan Visor, I sure hope you've been remembering to take pictures of the bosses in the Divine Beasts before you kill them.

    It's fun to see how Nintendo, having done just about every gaming genre possible in the last few decades, is coming back to the ones they missed and showing off just how much potential they still have despite everyone thinking otherwise. They come around in 2015 with Splatoon and show how to make the online shooter

    That story is one of my favorites. Circa 1985, young Shigeru Miyamoto is all, "Multiplayer? What's that?" And then his pure Kyoto heart invents a whole new definition of people playing together that defines a generation yet again.

    My brothers and sisters have all been playing the game for the same amount of time as me. They've all beaten the game or are close to it, and I just recently liberated the second Divine Beast. Yet I don't feel my 50+ hours so far have been wasted, not a one. This is because unlike them, I'm using the Pro HUD that

    The conclusion of this review finally brings to light why Ganon was so obsessed with conquering Hyrule over and over. After the trials the world puts you through, the sheer breadth of its fields, all those interconnected systems making for wondrous moments that are being shared en masse on social media, who wouldn't


    I tried this myself out of curiosity. It turned out extremely poorly.

    It's weird how perfect dodges are rewarded much more than perfect shield parrying, because the parrying is a lot harder to do.

    I got my first boomerang, a basic Korok boomerang, and excitedly I threw it at the first thing I saw (a Lizalfos) and it not only missed, but it flew past me. I did see the prompt to catch it, but I was frozen for a few seconds, dumbfounded at how stupid I was for not thinking, of course you have to catch it, Exy you

    The best thing about the Switch for me is in fact that Capture button. Even better is how fast it is, so you can mash it with impunity and pretend you're paparazzi.

    I did it again!

    On the plus side, no items required to do these things means less time changing items for these opportunities.

    As we speak, someone out there is fitting it with an Arduino and a set of motors and servos to make it do exactly that.

    Ach for the spoiler.

    I just want to know more about the etymology for all these names. Zelda games have given everything odd, yet consistent fantasy names and I know there's a pattern to them all and I want to know what it is.