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    I did that at first too but I went back shortly after. X to jump sounds as weird as X to fire in Super Metroid but there's a reason it's the default.

    Speaking of the skeletons, I bought the false Bokoblin head and every night I can attract a small complement of skeletal soldiers that follow my every move. I just wish I could issue orders to them easily.

    I discovered this by accident. I tried to go primal and arrow the first fish I saw, but I accidentally had the bomb arrows equipped so I got every fish in the pond for just one (valuable, rare) arrow.

    Have you tried electrofishing? Throw some sparks or cause an explosion in the water and up will come fish carcasses yours for the taking.

    Another piece of advice: Never assume you've won until the body fades away. I managed to deprive a Bokoblin of all methods of attack, only to lose to said Bokoblin as it tore its own teeth out and threw it at my head. That's dedication. And pretty metal.

    This doesn't explain how my idiot brother managed to drop my neon console one time and be forced to return it.

    I mean, I decided from the beginning that I'm going to buy one anyway no matter what. I've just been conditioned to do so after a single anomalous launch over 10 years ago that hasn't repeated since.

    I only buy Nintendo consoles at launch for fear that if I don't get them now, I won't be able to for a long time. In practice, this has only happened with the Wii, but the possibility is always big enough that I have to go out of my way to get one even when the launch lineup isn't as strong as I'd like.

    Remember when Nintendo announced a similar service and everyone hated it?

    The box art of the Odyssey² was similarly obsessed with illustrating dynamism, but with a decidedly more colorful palette and a slight bent toward horror.

    I can't tell if this essay is pro- or anti-Miiverse.

    Why wouldn't it be? Their names are so similar.

    This is the same game as Nier, right?

    Whatever the reason for not showing the Miis here, I think they're going to return unless they plan on not having Mii Fighters back for the next Smash Bros.

    My only issue with Miis is the limited customization options that only allow for realistic hair colours and features. We should be able to be anyone we want, especially the fictional.

    What do you make of the lack of a front-facing camera on the Switch?

    Can we fight him?

    Oh no, I'm being marketed to by all this data!!!!

    I'm not big on "creative" games where I have to make all the rules. What makes fun servers enjoyable is that they break an existing game until it's only barely recognizable.