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    Speaking of multiplayer online games, the most fun I ever had with Team Fortress 2 is not in any kind of proper server, but "fun" servers loaded down with all kinds of mods that throw game balance out the door (!rtd), giving weapons that each class really shouldn't have, and just letting everyone do whatever they want

    I designed Brawl maps for "Falcon Boxing," where 2 Captains Falcon/Ganondorfs are thrown into a U-shaped ring with no exit and punch each other until one runs out of HP. That counts, right?


    I need to learn to do this more. I'm finding myself more interested in how engines work and I feel that I missed nearly my entire childhood not having that curiosity.

    I don't trust you!

    People named Murray should just never be trusted.

    I love how he unironically used "This was unacceptable in my day!" as an argument.

    Here's a photo of a gorilla I had no attachment to, but pretend to because that's the thing to do now. Make this viral or get lost.

    I'm in full agreement with the Skull Kid's assessment of Sticker Star and I will probably like Color Splash too whenever I get around to it. I played Sticker Star largely as a distraction from other stuff going on at the time and I enjoyed how laid-back it was. Not everything needs to be as cerebral or as

    It's known mostly for its tourism industry, beaches, being east of West Virginia, and lovers.

    I've lived in Virginia all my life and I still don't know who decided it was for lovers, and for lovers of what exactly.

    But is Virginia for lovers?

    Eat Mii.

    The timing of the birth sure seemed to strongly imply that, and it's not like they wouldn't have gone all the way that first time given their circumstances.

    Am I missing something? I don't get the joke here.

    I can't help but think that if those rumours about NX being what it's widely believed to be turn out to be true, Super Mario Maker NX is a lock and will be one of the first games to address the lack of feature parity between the Wii U and 3DS versions. That or Smash Bros.

    Every 100 times they do that, they live on for another year.

    There aren't many better ways to get those things.

    Mega Man X was my first (we didn't have our NES anymore by the time I was old enough to handle a controller), and looking back on it, I find it real fascinating just how perfectly it handled everything. The music, the controls, the art style, the secrets, even how finishing some stages completely changed the layout of

    I'm still really confused about the end of chapter 3 and the start of chapter 4. Exactly how much time passed between them? Because it seems to imply that Ark had to be reborn and did he actually instantly reincarnate to the form he was before that thing at the South Pole?