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    I discovered that one by accident.

    My current game now is one I call "Figure Out How Pokémon GO Works."

    Magical Sound Shower is overrated.

    So which team is going to have a mass murder dedicated to them first?

    "Truly inspiring to be able to come here. Anne was a great girl. Hopefully she would have been Team Valor"

    Because when I look for advice on security, I want it to be as condescending and insulting as possible. Those people make me want to not care about keeping my things private.

    Aww thanks.

    These techno-paranoid types can be so silly sometimes. If they're really that worried about people probably reading their e-mails then they shouldn't have a smartphone at all.

    I misread Max Fleishman's name as Max Fleischer. What a nutty coincidence given Donkey Kong's history as a planned Popeye game.

    I'm still upset that the upcoming remaster for Seeds of Evil is only for Xbox One.

    When in doubt, FUND, then FUND again.

    I don't have a single achievement for the remastered Turok: Dinosaur Hunter on Steam because I couldn't resist turning on Disco mode at the very beginning. I beat the whole game and assembled the Chronoscepter and everything and I have nothing to show for it because purdy colours.

    There's an unreproducible feeling of satisfaction playing SimCity and filling the board corner to corner with a highly efficient city design all on your own plan. But most of the time I don't have the patience to earn money the right way. IMACHEAT and I don't care who knows.

    This is probably the first review that doesn't account for its pre-release history and talks only about the game itself in a vacuum. Put this way, its flaws and strengths are even more apparent. The majority of reviews place it at okay at best, but a lot of people just don't want to admit it.

    I tried to play the 2006 game for my own channel to observe its 10th anniversary, but apparently the game is so trashy that it crashed my computer during recording and took all the footage with it. Let that be its legacy.

    It isn't.

    And a Gossip Stone will hide incriminating evidence of murder and child abuse.

    That's just as likely if they end up ousting anyone important from the company before it comes out. I mean I'm not a fan of open worlds and it takes a familiar series for me to ever bother with them, even if they end up being largely bleak.

    And weapons and items are OSP.