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    This isn't wrong though. Why IS Virginia for lovers?

    Pity about the multiplayer game, then.

    The one thing that I got from the Social Link system is that if you want to succeed in your personal endeavors, you can only ever tell people what they want to hear even if you don't agree with it.

    NX version of Link is right-handed.

    I think it's good that NX is delayed, since now that we all have to put up with Wii U even longer (like I wanted from the start), we'll think the NX is much more impressive when it does come out. One of the biggest mistakes with Wii U is that it came out too soon, and the NX delay is specifically to give launch game

    Bet you they delayed NX just to spite all those rumor people.

    I liked how they were handled in Disgaea, where they weren't forced losses, but just impossible on your first play. If you lose, a cutscene plays and the battle restarts heavily rigged in your favor such that it becomes impossible to lose, and if you win, the game just continues normally and skips all that.

    Isn't it nutty to think that Nintendo is better at making social networks than Google?

    I don't think it's an accident that there is no filtering in any aspect of the app aside from the names. Animal Crossing: New Leaf didn't filter the in-game chat either. Maybe they realize since they're hooking into other "real" social networks, it would be a fool's errand to try.

    People like school?

    Are these the "boys" that are back in town in that song?

    There's no bombs in this game though.

    The question now is how well my love for schizophrenic gameplay will stand up to this.

    They took out mechanics that Japanese players didn't like for the international versions and also made cosmetic changes to a few character classes that had zero effect on gameplay. This is a bad thing for some reason.

    Virtually any AAA game with any focus on spectacle. I just can't be bothered to go through it all myself, but they do make great conversation pieces nearly 100% of the time.

    But muh original experience!

    Surely comparing anything to Naked Gun is the highest possible praise.

    Trio The Punch, an arcade-only game that's often held as an exemplar of kusoge, mostly for its unbalanced, nonsensical gameplay. However, I disagree with it being kusoge at all. It was made by Data East, a competent developer even at the time it was made, and it was intentionally unrefined. The stupidity within is

    Yall should subscribe to his channel. He knows his stuff.

    If I could, I woulda stolen the "Don't disturb." magnet from my hotel and laid it at his grave, over the words Rest In Peace.