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    I saw this game played at MAGFest with a pad and after a few tries, I knew I had to get in on it early.

    Aria, but don't tell newcomers this. There's enough trepidation in these comments alone.

    Never stopped me.

    The odd thing about this game is that's it's a relatively easy roguelike. The Bard character takes away the rhythm aspect and turns it into a plain grid-based dungeon crawler like a proper roguelike. It's the musical element that forces you to think fast that gives it nearly all its own challenge.

    For some reason the grid-like art style of Boxboy reminds me of You Have To Burn The Rope.

    Get in line. I saw it first.

    I nominated Mike Tyson because without him, Little Mac would not have anything near the popularity he has now. Punch-Out would not have sold nearly as well without his likeness, so he's an integral part of Nintendo history. Also, everyone is pretty much past whatever crimes he did decades ago at this point anyway.

    I mistook it for MGS2 myself.

    What I don't get is why so many are calling NX the end of the Wii U, like the upcoming year and a half of releases announced over the last few months were suddenly cancelled. People are just really excited to see a console that's not three years old start to die I suppose.

    I always thought that anyone involved with them were brainwashed so that any time they try to say "The Patriots", their brain censors it into something unintelligible, but to the speaker they're saying what they think they're saying.

    The more I think about it, the more it makes sense.

    The way this article put it, this game's plot is basically Metal Gear Solid 2, deliberately rehashed storyline and all, except without the villain telling you that you will never live up to your predecessor's name.

    I don't play online much, but when I do, I never pay for it. Fortunately, Steam and Nintendo stuff get the majority of my playtime anyway.

    Once a loser, always a loser.

    The ugliest choice a game can force on me is any time I'm forced to create a character at the start. I am never satisfied with what I make and I regret it when I see much cooler builds later into my own game.

    The whole thing has been about people taking sides from day one. Two political parties were born and a bunch of people who wanted enemies to fight took arms. Four months later, I have no idea which side is which and what "pro-GamerGate" and "anti-GamerGate" is supposed to mean. One side supports the controversy? The

    "PC bullshit" is right. Political correctness in all its forms can go fuck itself.

    People say kids these days aren't interested in exploring the history of games, but I've personally witnessed young children playing DOS games and getting into them the way I did at their age without any help. I took this photo at MAGFest X of three children playing Atari 2600. It's one of my favorite photos I've ever

    A delayed game is eventually good, a rushed game is bad forever.