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    Similar to my post on Bayonetta 2 in the last article, I liked the NES Remix games because they make otherwise bland NES games (by today's standards) fun. To that end, I liked the first game more than the second, because it does this more. I would never have given games like Donkey Kong Jr. or Wrecking Crew or those

    Aside from Smash Bros., I don't remember the last game I was excited for as much as Splatoon. The primary reason I invested in it at first was because I love the idea of mature games being remade right for children, like Lego City Undercover. I didn't even care too much for the character designs, but I've grown to

    I've made a ruckus about it multiple times, particularly in regard to its demo and how it dissuaded me from giving it a proper chance. Now that I have a real impression of how Platnium games play, I will certainly give it a chance now one of these days.

    I have heard multiple recommendations for Devil May Cry 3 wherever I bring up my distaste for the genre. To be honest, the only reason I gave Bayonetta a chance was because it was Wii U exclusive and I wanted to rub it in the faces of people who still couldn't accept that. Also because I had a Wii U.

    I'm amazed he had the patience to sit through the Miiverse load times every single time to post.

    Speaking of online portals, I've really come to like Miiverse, as flawed as it is sometimes. I like the weird culture that formed on it of posting screenshots from mature games and getting mostly PG responses, and vice versa. It's been pointed out before elsewhere, but that it isn't an absolute sasspool is a miracle

    Speaking of Nintendo, I liked Bayonetta 2 because it singlehandedly turned me around on an entire genre. I've played hack and slash games before and they always failed to keep me engaged for long, mainly by being overly repetitive. Everything else I can say about it has already been said on the articles about it here.

    Do you know what day and time it is going to be?

    I remember the first time I was on one of these posts. It was me asking a question that in retrospect, really should have been worded better so I don't look so dumb for asking.

    I have a saying, people don't fear change, they fear adjustment. I think the primary reason the Wind Waker look got the backlash it did was because they saw only a few screenshots, which alone could not possibly portray the character and personality the game itself reveled in. Readers filled in the blanks with what

    When amiibo was first announced, I thought, that is going to sell, but I wouldn't have any part of it. Last night I pre-ordered a King Dedede amiibo because I've lost control of my life.

    I guess you're right. As long as it's clear that it wasn't an employee of theirs who did it, it's fine.

    I just think it's important to give credit where it's due whenever possible, especially when there's no drawback to it. Putting it in the headline just seems like a common courtesy to me and yet very few sites ever bother to.

    Speaking of reflexive accusation, I'd like to see an Assassin's Creed game set amid the political unrest of present-day America.

    Someone should play this by dressing Arno up as Arino as closely as possible.

    I don't understand why news sites only say that "someone" did something the readers might find interesting. What's keeping you from just saying the guy's name in the headline?

    I'm astounded that so few people made the obvious link to Day of the Tentacle, as tenuous as it is.

    So how does the tone of this game compare to Jet Set Radio?

    This was a better story than Persona 4. Partly because I was able to actually finish it.

    That doesn't explain why there's demos for Smash Bros. and the next Pokémon games.