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    I also heard people say that they hated the demo for Bayonetta 2 for similar reasons I hated The Wonderful 101 demo, except I liked the parts they didn't. Maybe Platinum should just rethink the way they make demos altogether? Because any time I bring this demo up, people tell me to ignore my first impressions and buy

    I played the demo of Bayonetta 2 like many have suggested I did after expressing my distaste for the demo of The Wonderful 101. Where were the people who made this demo back then? The Bayonetta 2 demo was more interested in showing off what the game was about than frustrating me with its mechanics, and even though I

    The people calling this dude a nerd are just jealous that thousands of dollars didn't just fall into their lap like this.

    Any game largely or entirely built around an online component. Those are the only ones that are guaranteed to not last.

    Meanwhile, Robin Hood: Men in Tights still stands up today.

    I'll take quality over quantity any day.

    I played the Easy Scenario in the DS compilation, which starts you with every non-story upgrade. It at least solves that problem and it makes the first few games only slightly less challenging, but it gets too easy by the end.

    Oh hey.

    I'm crossed about this for the same reason, mainly because I'm a purist. That said, this similar project for DS (a fork of DeSmuME with astonishing system requirements) is intriguing.

    Mega Man 7 used pictures, but they were also numbered, similar to the X games.

    The lower case letters in the Metroid font always looked so goofy.

    I won't be satisfied until we require DNA samples as well.

    Like I mentioned in the Mario Kart 8 article, next year is the 30th anniversary of Super Mario Bros. and thus the Year of Peach, if Nintendo chooses to observe it. If they do, we'll see just how airheaded she purports to be.

    So no one's outraged that this survives and not Community?

    I think EA today is what Sega wanted to be when they left the console
    business. They're rolling out just about every game service and platform
    short of an actual console, all so they can control it all like a real
    console manufacturer. Stuff like EA Access is the kind of stuff I bet
    Sega just wishes it could do today.

    I'm reminded of the Pleasure Dome in Total Carnage, where the good ending is got by collecting a certain amount of keys before defeating the final boss, and then a better ending is got by collecting all the treasures in the Pleasure Dome, which is extremely difficult to do, and upon failure the game mocks you. It

    This very idea was explored in NES Remix 2, so who knows.

    "After Luigi’s subtle but significant evolution, Princess Peach is the prime candidate for a refresh."
    2015 will be the 30th anniversary of Peach's debut in Super Mario Bros. 1. She could do with a whole year of new stuff all about her, and even now Nintendo is making subtle augmentations to her character. What I'm

    I balked at the Koopalings myself until I actually tried them. Sure, they do take up space, but they all have such kooky faces that are impossible to hate. Especially Iggy.

    I hit the fourth Shield Knight nightmare and I just noticed how Shovel reaches his hand out to Shield as she falls. I finally understand how significant these things are (having failed the first three times).