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    I would say I wish the game itself answered my questions better than the commenters here did, but I'm not so sure that would be for the best anymore.

    I bought Child of Light on Wii U despite having better options for it. Fat lot of help it did me.

    Why isn't Wolfenstein 3D on 3DS yet? The punchline writes itself!

    Between Watch_Dogs for Wii U disappearing off the face of the earth and that warehoused Wii U game they're waving in front of everyone's faces, I just wish they would outright admit that they hate Nintendo. The honesty would be refreshing and I can't imagine they would lose any fans; if anything, they would probably

    So does anyone have any guesses as to why this isn't on Wii U despite every game made on its engine prior to it being available there?

    Explain the Dust Bowl then.

    If he were in the Wii game, pigeons would fly out of him when he's knocked out.

    So it's like Ghost Trick in reverse?

    I'm an SNES kid, but I have a soft spot for Genesis FM chiptunes, which I prefer even over NES in a lot of cases. This cover of the intro phase from Mega Man X3 is one of my favorite chiptunes and it's unfortunate that the artist didn't cover the entire soundtrack.

    I'm getting increasingly upset myself that virtual reality technology like Oculus Rift is getting more and more acclaim while I continue to remain unable to use it without having to clean up vomit minutes after starting. I guess this is what it's like to be sensitive about privilege.

    He looks and sounds exactly like the stereotypical Xbox user, and the kind of person I want to be as far away from as possible.

    I wish they could make a sequel to Dawn of Sorrow.

    I thought the goal for syndication was 65.

    So it's both then. I see.

    Can you explain to me exactly what that means? Is "six seasons and a movie" just an arbitrary goalpost or is there something more to it that fans of the show know about and aren't sharing to non-viewers?

    "Turns out marketing a video game console to people who don't play video games is a poor way of building new long-term customers and a great way of pissing off existing ones."
    I'm pretty sure nobody knew this before 2006 and someone had to actually try it, so it may as well have been Nintendo.

    I think the criticisms will go away once the Wii U gets a good number of absolute must-haves, just as the DS and 3DS did. The 3DS in particular had, and still has, a ton of problems, but people stopped complaining once it got a bunch of good games at a regular pace. I predict the same will happen with the Wii U, even

    I've heard it said more than once that Nintendo is being so bold and experimental now exactly because no one has faith in them lasting to the end of the generation. They're all short-sighted and selfish, true, but Nintendo not being on top for the first time in years is forcing their hand in putting out much better

    I was asking more whether it's technically possible given how similar their capabilities were. If there's any mechanical reason it isn't, I'm interested in hearing it.