Is it OK to make fun of her appearance? She has Marfan syndrome. That’s like picking on a kid with Down’s.
Is it OK to make fun of her appearance? She has Marfan syndrome. That’s like picking on a kid with Down’s.
people who’ve never watched football.
a great form of medicine for both your mind and your body
Pop-Tart flavor acid test:
Pop-Tart flavor acid test:
Athletes aren’t smart. Full stop.
My eyes!
women get paid 78 cents less than men
How could an athlete win at anything at all without Jesus to help?
This makeup is fantastic.
I found an exercise bike in the trash. I sit it in front of the TV and pedal as hard as I can, for as long as I can.
Meet Jole (84) and her husband Michele (94) ... who have been married for 70 years
my dad couldn’t find Black dolls for my younger sister and me, so he bought us white dolls
Waaaaay too much smartphone stuff here. Maps’s real home is on the web.
How is this list only first-person shooters?
There are two kinds of flamethrowers: napalm and gas. ... Civilian flamethrowers, such as the ones used by moviemakers and farmers, tend to ignite a gas instead
After the swim, NBC reporter Michele Tafoya asked King to explain what the finger waving was all about:
The athletes, however, swear by it.