evening star

Side note: Married people use contraception too. People act like every woman on the pill is a literal prostitute.

Shut the ever-loving fuck up, paid Russian troll.

lol, fuck you, honestly.

Say what now?

oh dear, no. Nothing worse than a grey dude with a sad, chestnut rinse. Grey is good.

I hate myself rn

I wish more “family” shows covered the election. I was traveling on election night, red-eye flight, and had a layover in L.A. right about the time it was becoming clear which way this was falling. My husband called me and said that our 19 year old daughter was in her room, sobbing, and he couldn’t even understand what

I want America to take over Twitter the morning of the Inauguration and just post “Thanks Obama” over and over and over.

copious amounts of weed.

Meanwhile, check out my luscious, blonde hair:

If people don’t know about my do-goodery, what is the point of doing good? Where are my accolades?

I thought the image up top was the actual shirt and was like “I don’t know what Kara’s going to complain about, I would totally wear that.”

No, we don’t. White people, including over 50% of white women, voted for the continuation of white supremacy in the form of Donald Trump. Period. Any desire you have to spread around the blame is an attempt to distract from the impact of whiteness in this election.

“Why wouldn’t you have an ID?”

Not based upon math. It’s logical that black people were overperformed for the first black president. If you exclude the numerous laws that went into effect in states like Wisconsin to disenfranchise the black vote after the 2008 and 2012 surges, where Clinton lost by a narrow margin voting went back to pattern with a

That’s your response? Do you even understand what that means? Anyway, cool story bro. Enjoy your fantasy world.

When you say “Many blacks did not show up for Hillary” when it was only 5% thus statistically false who did not vote at all and you don’t provide any comparisons the implication is black people are at fault. Eighty-eight percent of the black vote went to Clinton and out of it 90% of black women voted for Clinton no

Or math... A decline in voters by 5% is hardly indicative of black people not voting. It went back to pattern. However, why did 53% white women when faced with the opportunity to vote in first female president decline to do so? Percentage wise those votes mattered more.

53% of white women. I still can’t wrap my brain around it. 

I think they missed an opportunity with Diane, who is a character modeled off of little girls who have a lot in common with Hillary Clinton. Watching empowered, brilliant, bossy, serious little girls realize that maybe no one will take her seriously when she grows up has been one of the more heartbreaking aspects of