evening star


“It won’t change my views, but I certainly won’t be as active or as vocal.”

right now in the united states women’s rights over what happens to their own bodies is coming back into question. why the fuck should we be nice about people who aren’t sure if they can get on board with fighting back against that or not??? i don’t owe you niceness, you owe me my fucking human rights.

nope, i’m not going to go out of my way to be nice to those people or make them feel welcome either, because if they are questioning whether they should be my ally or not they are not safe in the first place. if their support is contingent on how “nice” i am about getting fucked over and having my bodily autonomy

I hate this normalization crap. I hate hate hate hate hate it. ENOUGH. Why the FUCK is there even a special like this about this gross person and his family? His family which ISN’T EVEN GOING TO LIVE IN WASHINGTON.

I think my very least favorite type of comment on this site is the entitled, self-righteously outraged comment about how Jezebel hasn’t covered Topic X.

Really, Bull Moose? Really? Disheartened and confused? Because when a black person on TV calls us “cracker”, or says white people are insane, actually, I laugh. I think it’s great.

thanks for helping less then, instead of examining why you are so defensive. you sound like a genuine ally. totally.

Odd. I might try to learn something from those quotes.

It sounds like a combination of thrush and croup, sort of a infant illness supergroup.

That’s a single woman’s personal reflection. She’s not a movement. She’s talking about her own life and her own fears. Also, at least in your pull quotes, she doesn’t talk about allies: she talks about men who say they are good. A person saying they are good doesn’t make them good—it’s a well-recognized problem that

Oh my goodness, I’m sorry I did not realize this was a troll account.

“here is Joseph Fiennes, brother of Ralph, also known as “the hotter one,” as Michael Jackson ...”

You could burn up my clothes
Smash up my ride, well maybe not the ride.

If a blowjob took down Clinton, golden showers and sex workers in Russia caught on tape should be fucking dynamite against Trump. And yet, we all know that it’s only immoral when Democrats do it.

It’s now come out that the FBI pursued and eventually obtained FISA warrants on four different Trump campaign staffers suspected of Russian collusion way back in October. Yet the Weiner laptop is the thing that deserves an unprecedented pre-election letter? Such bullshit.

Because emails/Benghazi/”working class”/Establishment/Shillary/Both Sides Do It.

Your opinion is bad and you should feel bad.