evening star

But you know, emails.

“If my grandmother had had an abortion, I wouldn’t be here today,” Blanton added.

Yeah - I mean, I’m sure he wasn’t a supporter of each president whose parade he participated in, but clearly this is where he feels his identity lies, in America’s story.

“’s an astonishing admission—someone who actually wants to participate in Trump’s inauguration.”

But she’s not! What I find so crazy-making is that not one interviewer has stopped her cold and told her to answer the fucking question or address the fucking issue.

All hail Kellyanne Conway, goddess-queen of the trolls. Her one job is to ensure that words mean nothing, and she is fucking awesome at it.

It’s a treatment that’s been used for transpatients for over 40 years and has been proven effective at alleviating severe psychological distress from gender dysphoria. There is no other known effective treatment for severe dysphoria. That sounds like basic care to me.

Unless a law was passed prohibiting Shkreli’s twitter usage this is not a 1st amendment issue, this is a company turning off a microphone THEY own when you start using it to harass someone.

Lots of orcas have adapted successfully. You’re ignoring the evidence to be contradictory.

She is a criminal. She deserves adequate health care. Both these things are true, 

I came here to say exactly this. Well put

This made me laugh out loud and reminds me of my senior year of high school when we tried to get a quote from Dodgeball on our shirts: “I try not to set goals, so then I’m never disappointed.”

Guesswork is part of intelligence work, always has been. This reminds me of the folks that hoot and yell about evolution only being a “theory”. Reading the cyber attack tea leaves is not the same as making a judgement to go to war over nonexistent WMD’s, that’s a straw man right there.

He’s just about to say “Illusions, Michael. A trick is something a whore does for money.”

This does not sound like a magic trick.

It sounds like this isn’t, though. I mean, is there an illusion at work? It sounds like it’s just a stunt with some visible protective gear.

Ugh, David Blaine.

Not trite at all, very accurate. I’m still learning of course. I know this was not a disaster of epic proportions, could have been way worse. My sensitivity is a gift and a curse. I’m also highly sensitized to toxic masculinity bullshit especially this week because of the many trauma stories circulating around my life

Nah, that’s bullshit. Why wouldn’t a serial rapist use Tinder when society has made it clear that he will get away with it because women who use Tinder are whores who won’t be believed?

Perfect analogy. Can you imagine someone categorizing murder by an acquaintance or family member as not so bad?