evening star

“They’re not total abomination rapes where strangers are being dragged off the streets”

So a rapist who drags a stranger off the street—which is a very small percent of them—has, like, no moral standards, but a man who rapes his ex-girlfriend, a co-worker, a woman who accepted a date with him, a woman who thought he was her friend, his own wife, his teenaged cousin, an unconscious woman at a party; those

“Say what?” (says NYPD’s foremost expert on such matters)

You know, if I were a cop and I patiently explained to the public exactly which ways to commit crimes that damn near guarantee they wouldn’t be investigated, I don’t think I’d be a cop long.

You realize that it would’ve taken him 10 minutes tops to find a different sex worker, right? And that “sex-fueled” is not a legal defense for attempting to sexually abuse a minor? And that no one “convinced” him to do this? The sting op cops simply said she was 15.

And yet, people are responsible for their decisions and actions. Sexual arousal is an almost-universal phenonemon, but only a small percentage of people sexually abuse minors.

In your scenario, a prostitute has a customer on the line but risks losing him by saying she’s 15. To what end? She’s not getting paid for the time spent chatting. Unless she thinks she can raise her rate based on saying she’s 15, it’s a complete waste of her time. That would be a wildly inefficient business model.

Just to clarify, there’s no such thing as underage prostitution. There’s only commercial child sex abuse. Last article people thought I was being picky about what we call it, but it’s really important in terms of how police treat sexually abused minors. And, in fact, the way we ourselves view the sex trafficking of

Locomotive Jones is a well known troll. Responding to his posts just excites him. It’s better to just dismiss.

= people who are just dying to make it an OK thing to have sex with minors. These stories alllllways bring those guys out of the woodwork. Notice the same names passionately posting the “entrapment!” argument in thread after thread, desperately trying to justify something in their minds.

I’ve earned awards before, but they weren’t “Pay XXX and get an award.” This is pay for play. Doesn’t take away from her acting, but this was a $30,000 publicity opportunity to coincide with the opening of Hidden Figures. Which I will see, and enjoy her performance in. It doesn’t detract from her. But I wouldn’t use

Lots of A-listers don’t have a star because they don’t want to show up. Al Pacino, Clint Eastwood, Julia Roberts, Denzel Washington... none of them have a star. Celebs who do want a star often buy one to coincide with a movie release. It’s basically pay-to-play.

To me, he’s unnaturally smooth. Like a mannequin with serial killer eyes and a variety of wigs and face merkins.

You’re seriously disgusting.

I’ve never been able to quite place my finger on what it is, but there is something amiss with Bradley Cooper; something not quite right up in the head. He just never convinces me he is real person, you know?

Those are easy to write, they require limited resources, and weren’t breaking news.

Shut the entire fuck up you racist piece of shit.

Will you stop pretending that you give a shit about anything other than trying to justify your racism?

You know that Jezebel isn’t a breaking news service, right? They’re not local news, or the AP, or the NY Times, and they only cover “current” events a couple times a day. Most of their content is about things that occured several days in the past. Their sister site Gizmodo covered it much more quickly, which made

Ikr? I kept listing the reasons that voting for Hillary Clinton was important. It included reproductive rights, 20 million people who will lose their healthcare (including me and I have a life threatening pre existing condition), and the supreme court.