evening star

Sure, and I remember how she let him off the hook and like most of the press, refuses to press him when he spouts his nonsense.

What do you expect from someone who claims this to be the Breitbart of the left?

yeah that what this woman seemed to be saying. like all the effort that went into cultivating this perfect, happy image was making her deeply unhappy. which makes a lot of sense

How cute. Someone who is young or exceptionally lucky to never have experienced how the real world works.

No. I absolutely understand them. I know a large core group of them. I have known them for over a decade. I have seen the shift into sheer lunacy. They now believe every single thing they are told. Even pizzagate and that Hillary is a molester, who killed and chopped up children. This group used to laugh at Alex

That was disingenuous. If anyone was actually concerned that her health was a problem, it would have been perfectly relevant and fine to discuss.

Again with the false equivalency. We all knew at most she had was pneumonia and exhaustion. Anyone can see that Drumpf has obvious mental health issues.

To be fair I would have the same reaction to a man posting a similar picture. I have no issues with nudity, but I have issues with extreme and blatant THIRST.

And that is some corny ass choreography.

Can you really not answer these questions for yourself?

if nothing else, marvel in the author’s god-tier yoga flexibility in twisting the rest of the human population into the one’s who screwed up here.

I know you’re trying to make me feel sorry for her, but she has a huge ego and this should’ve been prepared better, so whoops for feeling schadenfreude 😉

I’m pissed at this dude for making it your problem what to do after he tells you that shit. What the fuck?! If he was any kind of person, he would have said he wants to break up instead of making you do it. I’m so fucking sorry, babe. What a pisser.

Absolutely. I’m male (and was escaping an abusive same-sex relationship) but it absolutely made me realise how brave, strong and amazing so many women are - they also often have the problem of having to start with nothing while trying to support their children, or face the choice of leaving children behind. I never

Yep. I made myself homeless when I left my abusive partner. I was terrified he would kill me for leaving him, and that fear kept me with him far longer than I should have stayed. But leaving meant leaving literally everything behind, and I know how lucky I am.

That’s all very kind of you to say. Sometimes I feel strong, but sometimes I feel shattered. It’s a long recovery. I can’t even imagine what this poor woman went through for all those years.



The whole age of computer.

The absolute most dangerous times for a woman in an abusive relationship are when they go to leave and when they get pregnant. The “why didn’t they just leave” narrative is flawed because there’s no “just” about leaving. I can’t ever fault a woman in a situation like this. The fact that she risked life imprisonment in