evening star

Yeah, what Iris does is WAY worse than the ad hominems we commonly throw about. It’s insidious and it’s the height of concern-trolling. It’s not just on this issue, either. It’s on every other issue, too.

On every post in every Carrie Fisher and now in every Debbie Reynolds thread you’ve been showing up to spam the place with “get over it” posts, and then you flood the place with passive aggressive responses to every single reply. You’re shitting on heartfelt posters’ comments and then getting huffy when people tell

This bitching about “echo chamber culture” is he same tone policing bullshit as your Carrie Fisher trolling. This place is getting bad with brand new novelty accounts saying things to upset people and then falling back on the defense that “I HAVE to say things that piss people off—you want to live in an echo chamber!

What you are is a creep. Why would you go out of your way to attack people who feel the need to grieve. If you don’t give a damn about grieving then move on and post in another site or to an article that you care about. It says everything about you that you choose to do this.

Dude, I read the earlier thread. If you don’t recognize the under-the-radar assholery in your tone then it’s a lost cause to try to explain why it makes you so unlikable. You seem to be okay with it though, maybe it makes you feel superior? Apparently you can live with it so there’s that.

Yep, that’s what I said. Anyway, I’m kind of done with you being her white knight. Ta. 

If we’re being honest, in that thread you lobbed a lot more insults at JK than the other way around.

Soooo tired of this one showing up and being a total jerk to everyone. Was pulling the same crap when news first broke about Carrie Fisher’s heart attack.

It is absolutely the case, and here’s the thread to prove it

Iris brought up this article to justify pestering people who were particularly irritated about 2016 the other day on Carrie Fisher’s heart attack post.

IrisJK has been on every Carrie Fisher article telling posters to get over it people die and more will die in 2017. Frankly it’s gotten tedious.

I know who the article is written by. I was referring to IrisJK’s need to constantly tone police the comments section.

IrisJK is a mean old troll who pounces on everyone who dares to express the idea that 2016 was bad. She shat up a few comment sections this week and people are reacting accordingly to her showing up again. She seems to thrive on people expressing grief. which she then makes fun of. Nice lady.


Cornier than a podiatrist’s office in Boca Raton.

Cornier than a Mormon Tabernacle Choir performance emceed by Garrison Keillor in Mitchell, SD.

You obnoxious sacks of shit are just never going to stop whining about Bernie Sanders, huh?

Okay there’s stupid both sides. But enough with the both sides are bad narrative!

My worst nightmare is being the sort of women whose bloated husband visits one of these places on the reg. And not even being allowed to get annoyed when he wastes hundreds of dollars tipping some 18-yr old he clearly wants to bone. Just supposed to pretend like nothing bothers me. La la la guess I’ll take all this