Me too, but we’re weird.
Me too, but we’re weird.
Those distractions had nothing on the distractions of today; there’s been an undeniably dramatic shift with the internet. A total paradigm shift. Maybe the first ever rudimentary music video emerged in the 80s, but that’s hardly comparable to having amazing television and global communication in your hand at all…
We need a mental health strategy, because this is unsustainable.
Ugh what a smug fucker.
Trump doesn’t read at all, so there’s no way he can be fluent. I enjoy a game where I decide whether random people on the street are smarter and more qualified to be president than our next president. It’s not much of a game because almost everyone is. Today a homeless man gave me a flower because I “look a bit…
I really wonder how Today’s Youth are going to develop their minds the way that only voracious reading can facilitate. We read because we loved it, but also because there weren’t competing avenues for discovery and escape. We read past bedtime with flashlights because reading had already taught us how to have an…
Lol I’m amazing too; it’s just in spite of my parents after they lost my trust. It happened around four. You’re not the author of your son’s amazingness. Again with the possession and self-congratulation, jesus.
Seriously? You’re using animals and ignorance for justification? And that’s not making a point for you?
You were spanked and you’re fine, right? Totally fine.
That’s what blows my mind. They’re smart and thoughtful and can’t see their own child at his developmental level and understand what striking him will mean to him?? It makes me want to cry.
Truth. The message parents think they’re sending is not happening. When you are hit, you lose trust in your parents’ judgment, and it’s crushing.
Because what works best for some parents is abusive and damaging, and I care about kids. Spanking doesn’t work and is damaging to the child. But apparently children are possessions and it’s rude to judge, even if kids lose.
“His kid, his right.” I wish we didn’t think of kids as possessions.
Why can’t they be marched to their room instead of hit? Kids hate being isolated, but at least they have the chance to understand.
Yes, there is a huge need to set the standard for social behavior between one and three. Things like, “don’t hit people; that’s not how we resolve problems.”
It’s amazing to me that an obviously intelligent person can describe that their child is too young to reason and understand basic concepts, but striking him is okay. Because if you are too young for a conversation, you are too young to understand why you are being hit.
Now what happens when “fake” means real and real means fake, and it’s all been declared dead in a wash? I’m seriously wondering.
Do you think Samoans and Scandinavians have the same dietary needs? People are different and some do better with meat protein and some don’t. Some need a ton of fat and some don’t. Some could go full-raw plants and do great. Good god, it shouldn’t be so complicated to understand something so simple as human…
Yeah, you have to make sure you get the fiber. I don’t recommend it as a meal replacement or anything; it’s not meant to satisfy the appetite, although it can. It doesn’t hurt to provide a lot of plant nutrients. The body can decide what to use. (And this isn’t a “megadose” as I understand the term. If you can…
That sounds really good. The more women and girls, the better. You’re a great dad and she surely knows it, and she’ll be okay with you in her corner.