evening star

People do juices because you’d have to eat a bushel of spinach to match, and people literally don’t have time for that. Are you really gonna eat twelve carrots? Nope. But a glass of carrot juice is easy. You do lose the fiber, though, so you have to get that another way. It’s not bullshit though.

Wheatgrass tastes like ass, and all ass-tasting things need to be thrown back like tequila and then followed by a sane person’s smoothie or juice. Don’t get me wrong—it’s very good for you. But it is ass grass.

It’s a very dangerous time for young people, because their pain is real but their minds haven’t finished cooking. Those who were not supported and protected, and who may now feel like outcasts among peers, get a surge of hormonal purpose and self-determination at that age. So heartbreaking—you just want to beg them

Correct. It’s not gratuitous. It seems tragic because it was. You could remove the entire description, but if you are going to explain what the video shows, that’s how it was. Girl, light, calling. These are the things that happen in the footage.

That is so hard. Is there a class, group, or activity she can participate in outside of school, where she’ll be with young women she can relate to in the way she needs right now? Maybe a dance class with an age range 12-15. She won’t feel like the odd one out, and she’ll realize there are different contexts and

1. Nice to see the assholes have already co-opted the term “fake news,” because words don’t mean anything anymore. And they all started doing it at the same time, as if there is some Luntzian newsletter that goes out each morning.

They don’t even look good on slender bodies. They just look less terrible.

That is correct. They are intensely unflattering on EVERYONE. First of all, they don’t cover thigh cellulite—they frame it. Second of all, they are intensely unflattering on EVERYONE, as I think I already stated. Skinny, fat, whatever—even if you’re built like a tween, they undermine your curves and turn you

If it were purely about numbers, why do cats do so poorly on plant-only diets? The protein is there, so what’s the problem?

He’s def a troll but to follow up on your post, I was vegan at my unhealthiest. Turns out everyone’s different and has different needs, like whoa. Perhaps there’s not one single diet that fits all the body types in the whole world! Perhaps.

That’s how sane people handle it—they just live their lives. I was vegan for years and never, ever had an issue because it’s not an argument. I’m not trying to convert anyone. It’s just my personal business and I don’t even know why it would come up unless I made it a thing.

Beyond my pleasure. Keep going!!! I’m overly invested and cannot stand it, so happy. Obv find me any time.

YES!!!! I live for these reports. Isn’t it amazing? It’s silken and nourishing, never oily, and the effects on texture are immediate. You can adjust the proportions after you’ve experimented, but it sounds like what you created is working great. Now for me, I add sea buckthorn seed oil and pomegranate seed oil

Anti-choice women are slippery as fuck, and I would expect them to show up more than their menfolk this time, for the reasons you mentioned. The men will be the ones holding signs and cursing us from a safe distance in little pens like mutant prisoners in a freakshow. I’ll just enjoy their impotence—it’s the one day

Yes she did. She had an insane track record of effective, years-long work, stunning qualifications, and numerous proven successes in exactly these areas before she took over like the unqualified, power-hungry madwoman that she is.

Yes, the Clintons created the precedent, because Hillary had worked all her life for marginalized people and had studied everything and was trying to help millions of people before they were ready to respect themselves. And we never heard the end of it.

First of all, don’t threaten that you could have been aborted. It’s already in my fantasy rotation. Second, because we’re already in the realm of fantasy, I curse you to come back as a woman for the next seven lifetimes. You’ll be crying before breakfast, dickface.

And in turn, all the pain that unwanted children endure will be visited upon his sorry ass. Have fun screaming forever, you sick fuck.

Of course you’re allowed. It’s just that non-sociopaths don’t do this. Maybe he does feel entitled after so many decades serving. I’m not sure I understand why that’s bad or why any of us would feel differently about our life’s work if we were shown the door for no reason.

If that’s your definition, you’re going to have to exclude a ton of people who suffer from complicated conditions requiring years of testing and treatment. Shit, has Lupus even been proven to exist yet? It’s just a constellation of symptoms. What makes this so different?