evening star

It’s basic to anyone suffering with it, and it’s basic to deserve treatment in order to be as functional as possible, no matter how rare your disorder is. Treatment for Tay-Sachs should be basic too. Health for everyone is basic, whether it’s about a stubbed toe or a brand new disease that turns regular people into

That’s kind of pedantic. For all practical purposes, he was fired. What do you mean, “sometimes people won’t leave their jobs”? Was anyone trying to get him to leave his job before now, or was there some issue with his work? If not, a person who lived for the job and did it with excellence was fired right before

It’s meaningless. Literally everyone is only human. Serial killer: “I’m only a collection of nerves, organs, and fatty tissue.” Parole board: “This changes everything.”

Seriously—can we not with the weeping. This wasn’t an offense that left a nation in tears. It was an eye-rolling “of course they did” situation. So suck it up and deliver your apology without making it about your fragile untamed heart, too tender for this world (and any further criticism) please.

Is it that there’s a row of photographers on bleachers or something, so that half the shots are taken from high up and make the subjects look like they have huge heads and tiny short legs? I’d hate to get all dressed up and proportional, just to have the pics make me look like I’d lost my calves in the war.

That’s not what you said—you said sea pens weren’t feasible. Now you’re switching to total ocean release. It does seem like you’re moving the goal posts to make captivity seem not-so-bad, starting yesterday.

It’s basic, deserved healthcare. And we should all get it.

I am convinced that having too much money stunts you in a variety of ways unless you actively work against it—after a certain point of wealth, I think you are more prone to selfishness (you no longer have the sense of joint struggle, and now you have something to lose), more prone to catastrophic unfriendliness (poor

I find it freeing to let go foolish hopes.

Not to be trite, but off/weird experiences are how we figure things out. We don’t just pop out knowing how to be, what we need, what’s appropriate, who to choose, what the consequences are. We have to make some mistakes, usually, and those mistakes become essential guideposts and help carve out the true path.

Most crimes of any sort are committed by people you know. Murder? It’s someone you know. I’m so confused as to why women’s bodies are the one category where the perpetrator’s connection to the victim determines the seriousness of the crime. And by confused I mean not confused.

I’m almost out of words, it’s so desperately enraging. Just say you don’t see women as people, so violations of their bodies aren’t really crimes. Just fucking say it, dick.

I’m so thrilled! This is what I live for. Good luck, and I’m always here and obviously love talking about it <3

Completely. The last time I did the 4th in D.C., we were rowing across the reflecting pool while eating magic mushrooms out of a popcorn bag, and the cops were like, “Please just dock, idiots. This isn’t an actual body of water and maritime law doesn’t apply. Also, you’re just wading and pretending you’re on a

These four are going away for a very, very long time. I just wonder if they thought about that at all, or what they thought about. It’s just kind of making my brain hurt—like, Monday they were students. By Wednesday, their lives were over forever. A big part of me says there’s no way you don’t understand the depth

I’m not downplaying those reports; I’m saying that it’s not a real threat in a major march, based on my experience. The cops are not there to start shit; they are there to keep shit from starting, because in this specific context, they won’t win and they know it. I’ve been to a lot of marches in D.C. and they don’t

A pump bottle, dropper bottle, jar, anything that seals. Ideally it’s an amber or blue glass container. I just found a year-old old bottle of my face oil and started using it because I’m cheap and sort of gross, and it’s not rancid at all, even without preservatives of any kind. Many of the oils are, themselves,

Add extra avocado oil if it’s not moisturizing enough, and you can go heavier on the rosehip too, which will also address any scar issues and discoloration (like from old acne). I don’t use Sweet Almond in my combo because the molecules are too big to penetrate the dermis—that’s my opinion on why it wasn’t

What about this? With your curls. I think flattering hairstyles have to do with face size/proportions and neck length, rather than...whatever criteria we normally want to use.

Prepare for a level of cold like ice picks being shot at your face—you can always take things off, but you can’t put on anything you didn’t pack. Hopefully it’ll be randomly mild instead.