evening star

Those people just don’t want you to go. It’s not going to be unsafe, and your instincts about needing to be there are correct. Last major one I went to was many years ago (for NARAL), and I needed to be there just the same, and the power of that day has been a guiding light ever since. These things are important,

Trump supporters are cowards. They aren’t going to try shit, and any shit they do try will be entirely impotent in a sea of righteous, peaceful people. Big marches like this rarely have strong counter-protests because the imbalance of scale makes the counter protesters look like ineffectual morons, and even Trump

Not worried. There will be hundreds of thousands of us, doing a peaceful sanctioned rally like so many before. All the different D.C. police forces (there are like thirty-five) know how this works and focus on general safety during an event of this scale. They handle enormous gatherings all the time—marches, fourth

You have to have a tiny head. And dark roots. And a stylist to tell you No.

Aren’t you always revealing yourself when you choose which parts of a story to take a stand for? Where are my mixed fiber people?

You can do this!! My anti-aging serum/moisturizer is made of jojoba, apricot seed, avocado, pomegranate seed, sea buckthorn seed, rosehip, and borage, plus a few other secrets. My products sell well because most people don’t want to make their own shit—but you certainly can and the results will be better than

I’m sorry you’re getting piled upon. Personally, I think we need more female journalists showing the sexy side of reporting. I want a Christiane Amanpour warzone calendar. Just dust and tits and armament. And hot porn names like Katie Cuntric for August.

Ugh, had to stop the tape at “the girl was no saint either.”

They don’t care. They are the party of fiscal irresponsibility. The economy always gets fucked when they are in charge and they don’t care, because their engine is hate, and hate is always worth the expense. They’ll spend many millions of taxpayer dollars to hurt a tiny number of trans folks instead of using those

Oh she’s racist, but/and here she’s referring to it in the same way the morons of Bar Rescue kept referring to “blue collar” food on the episode I watched last night while high.

You’re pretty sure? How so? Because one of his main claims to fame is live shows that go on for hours and are always unique powerhouses of musicianship. I’d like to see the receipts for your assertion, if you don’t mind backing them up.

It’s intentionally hurtful, which is another red flag. And it will always be there. People like this often swing back and forth from devaluing to overvaluing. Right now you cling to the kind words like a raft, but they are no more true than his insults.

Oof, brutal. I like that woman.

Again you deflect because you can’t back your position up with facts.

If she didn’t have a seizure disorder, you shouldn’t have said it’s what the right did with her seizure disorder. Either you’re careless or trolling.

You couldn’t counter her argument so you just went “good luck liberal echo chamber!!!”

Cognitive dissonance doesn’t mean you’re holding two conflicting opinions with awareness and dexterity; it means you’re ignoring one of them in an irrational way. People who smoke are exercising cognitive dissonance because they know they are killing themselves, but must stay at a certain level of denial to continue

But as usual, one was lies and one has a lot of evidence. So it’s not the same. Seizures, really? You’re just going to drop a made-up thing in there for Hillary’s column so the comparison to Trump’s actual behavior feels more equivalent? What bullshit.

Most skincare products are such a massive scam. The active ingredients come so late in the list, and very often, more money is spent on packaging than on what’s inside the bottle. Basically, if you can find it at Sephora or Ulta, it is sold on a scale that makes every last penny of profit margin crucial, so

Yeah, what annoys me is the pretense that we are not looking at undiluted thirst. It’s transparent, so please don’t insult my intelligence by posting an obviously planned, carefully posed exhibition of ass and then writing something like, “Feeling so grateful for the sunrise today,” like your naked ass just happened