evening star

Yes, you have it incredibly good.

If her parents aren’t near death, ask her to finish the citizenship process and then you’ll go with her. If they are near death, go with her and start over afterward. If they are not near death, though, she already knew they were old when she agreed to marry you, and is now using them as an excuse to delay. You

Hearing, “I wish we never got married” was my dealbreaker. There are some things you don’t say if you care to preserve anything, nurture anything, build anything.

Seems like she enjoys manipulating you. Only move is to say, “I’m sorry you won’t make it. Best to you.” Put the ball back in her court and end the dance. It sounds like she’s used to running shit, so let her words be true. You have a wedding to attend.

Well he’s going to be in love with you now. So try to get mental space enough to decide if he’s worth it.

You will meet friends at the ski workshop; go with them. And have a great time! Ignore the expert skiers and just have a ball.

Never go again. Husband can go. This feels like one of those things you do for way too long because your partner isn’t bothered as much and you start to ask yourself if your bother is legit. Fuck it. The hosts don’t care; why should you?

Are you in therapy? It helps temper either/or thinking, for yourself and for others. It’s a long process, so you may have to stick with it for some time.

Incredible job.

Get a therapist right away. You deserve it—it’s something you do for you, and you can’t do for others until you do for yourself. Now you’ve got a very important other! So you must seek support.

Yeah, it is very inappropriate to only invite you, for many reasons, but expense is the one that’s most useful: say, “Unfortunately I can’t do it alone; must halve flight/hotel/transit expenses with my partner in order to make it. I am SO sorry I can’t be with you on your day!! So wish I could!!”

Ya burnt! And it’s worth it. I was cut out of my grandmother’s will when a bad aunt manipulated her while she was dying. So my already-rich cousins got millions, and my broke ass got cut entirely. However, I get to live a life untwisted by petty loyalties, and the cousins are married to dentists in Florida.

Ah, I don’t think that’s why people go to concerts, at all. Maybe concerts for shitty fake artists; I wouldn’t know. I have always gone to concerts to see the artist perform live, as has everyone I’ve ever met. Watching Prince live was life-altering; he sounded much better than he did on any album. And lip-syncing

“The show must go on” seems to have been replaced with, “Do you know who I am?”

I kind of feel like it’s a meltdown to keep stopping and bitching instead of trying to gamely perform...something. The audience has already come to you, for decades, and you have to come to them a little bit too. Don’t just stand there acting all “ah, fuck it.” This is the job—the only job they’re asked. You do

It seriously makes no difference to you whether your favorite artist performs at a concert you attend, or just moves their mouth and pantomimes the thing? Like if Eric Clapton just pretended to play guitar, that’d be just as good as hearing him actually perform his art?

Well if you’re not going to try my advice, don’t complain.

I was guilty right now of not seeing you in all this. I don’t feel like I can find the proper words right now, because I’ve had a few beers and smoked the reefer, but it hurts to hear how you were thought of as weak, and compared to women because women are weak. It’s just sad.

People don’t get it. Often, you literally have to walk away from an entire established life with nothing but the clothes on your back and no remaining self-esteem. It’s a feat beyond words, painful as anything, that men rarely have to confront or even acknowledge. It breaks my brain to know how strong women must

If most of your dates are boring and bring nothing to the table, the one common denominator is you. So you’d need to look at how you are choosing whom to ask out.