evening star

I’m so sorry you went through that. You’re standing there, knowing it’s only about control, while watching him spin tales and act like an innocent victim—and watching it work on the judge. Abusers are fundamentally weak-minded, but your endurance and restraint was truly strong.

I can find corny guys cute, but corny guys who pretend that they’re smooth? I don’t know how you can forgive. Even in the movie version, Duckie doesn’t make it.

I held it together until “Boca Raton.” Let’s fall in love for real for pretend.

You almost have to kill someone as abusive as this in order to be safe from him, which I assume is a big part of the reason many women stay for so long. There are no good options when your partner is just obsessed with controlling and hurting you and your children. There is no truly safe place. Plenty of women are

She’s dismissing comments, too. A real stand-up person. For the record, I had said:

Wow. Words fail. Love to all of you; let’s all hug who we can.

And thirty months in jail for every half a million in profit? I’m not sure this isn’t working, as career choices go.

Can’t you allocate your Gwyneth love to Martha? We’re in this together. Help us help you.

He’s cornier than a johnnycake and I cannot let it go. Why are we all pretending he’s not made of 70% corn kernels and 30% cringe? I feel like I’m crazy.

And everyone already knows that. You’re not offering new information or special insight, but you keep chiming in with breaking news like “2016 not actually sentient and mean-spirited” and “stress can trigger health events.”

Okay; you focus on whatever is most important to you. Except that I’m not taking your calls tomorrow.

Your sentiment is important—Carrie was so at peace with herself that she is probably at peace with this too. The rest of us aren’t so good at things, so I’m going to be in tears all day.

She was that low-key genius that never tries to be the star. It just hurts so much because she had so much more to share with us.

Prince was basically my God and I went into legit mourning, but Carrie has me weeping in a different way and I don’t know why. I guess she was one of us, a struggling, imperfect person who made it through. There was not one false note about her, and I hope she knew how inspirational her simple honesty was. Because

Nothing to say. Just heartbreak. She was in the middle of enriching our lives; she wasn’t done. Love you.

We can hardly be asked to protect the kid more than his own father did, when *not* considering his needs before choosing to thrust him into public life, but most do anyway. I’ve never seen anyone mocking his likely autism, and I don’t think simply mentioning it is wrong at all—random strangers are the only ones

Is she using her own daughters’ need for professional help to survive their childhood with a fun weapon? Is that what’s happening? I can’t imagine why they struggled.

He “didn’t say much because he knew that people eat that shit up”? What? He could not care less about what shit people eat. That explanation makes no sense.

Not at all. I’m able to research things very thoroughly across a variety of sources and the facts are in. It’s far more ridiculous that you think someone is uncannily imitating abject insanity and broken English at four in the morning in ways that routinely undermined his campaign, much less that he’s actually

No, it’s him tweeting. His people all tried to make him stop.