
Are you always this tiresome? Sizeist? Give us all a break.

He’s not wrong.

It’s the best. There is no anime TV show past or present that is as great as Cowboy Bebop. Case closed.

Go ahead and laugh but that guy now has a 6 picture deal with Blumhouse.

You’re correct.

Have you ever read this “writer” before? He hates anyone who is successful and/or makes money. This is his tired old schtick.

An alternate perspective in the interest of sanity:

The advent of alternative energy has made it super easy to live off the grid and without money.

Peyton Brown, in the very posts that AV Club reports on, asserts her identity as a woman. Calling her a they or them DENIES the reader the information about Brown that she herself staked her claim on (which, elsewhere, you find so dreadfully important).

Because it’s dismissive of actual gender identity issues, illustrates that the author doesn’t actually grasp or care about them, and instead isnot doing the level of research he should in order to NOT create more confusion in the large audience his words reach.

Clint gets a lot of shit on here, but there are better targets. His films have an anti-racist slant. He has almost always paired himself with a nonwhite partner, dating back to before that was common or expected, and in the films in which his character is a bigot, something happens that forces him to grow out of it.

Sounds good to me

I love this!

Really, no one else is going to do it?

I have five “best friends” and we’ve been friends for a very long time. Other friends have come and gone. And that’s okay too! No reason go avoid connections just because they might be temporary due to circumstance (job, friend of a friend, location, etc.). But the five of us are tight.

The Soup started in ‘04 though. That was a breath of fresh air back then.

Joel was well ahead of the curve on this one. He made fun of them when all Kim had was a big ass and a sex tape

Sounds like you’ve got the jist of it.

The most damning thing about this loss is that here are no coulda/woulda/shouldas. The patriots got beat by a better team on a day where they played a very good game. There is no debating if it was the right outcome

Whiskey and persistence solve an awful lot of problems.