
Misandry as a response to misogyny gets a lot of support online. Your way of thinking gives the men who are decent, and who do care, no option for redemption should they make even the smallest error to your feminist POV. Not exactly a good strategy if equality and inclusiveness is your actual goal.

Demetria is gorgeous and that Shedd lady is an idiot.

Lock those cops up for life in general population so they get a good understanding of the fine lines between being coerced, and forced, and raped. I’d pay top dollar to watch that all unfold on pay per view.

Man, it’s a bad decade to be a bad old white guy. lulz.

Gal as 007, I was like hey you’re a middle-aged dude so you can’t like that, then I was like hey fuck you middle age dude because THAT is an awesome idea and I love it! I vote yes.

The pill comment is weak victimhood narrative and suits your POV on life, not necessarily theirs. You are also remarkably tone-deaf to the times it was happening within. Women taking the pill (then as now) also didn’t want the hassle of unwanted pregnancy while also enjoying lots of good sex. Despite your worldview,

When I was in the military we kept it simple on matters like this. “I may not agree with you, but I will defend your right to say or do...” (whatever.) Not exactly a liberal institution, or an easy place to be liberal-minded, but it was how differences were often handled.

Here is how American cops treat two clearly unarmed people. American police are completely out of control.

So basically an ad for, what bullshit.

In the face with chili powder, man that is fucking fantastic! Award that man citizenship on the spot and then let him kick that hipster-racist in the leg until he dies.

So police responded to a rampaging nutjob with a handgun and plenty of ammo to spare, and they took him alive, no fearing for their lives evident. Funny how that works for white folks.

(see, I didn’t call her “a white woman,” even though many of you know I suffer from a yet-to-be-named syndrome that renders me unable to tell white women apart)

11 Million subs pre-WSJ attack on YouTube equaled big money. I wonder how big a hit he took in the aftermath and how much those losses factor in on his decision despite what he claims?


As MMA has shown time and again, if all you can do is box, you will lose every time your opponent knows more than a single discipline.

Lock ‘em both up for life, no parole, erase them from memory. Offer them execution is they’d prefer to skip a life in prison.

The inmates at the Milwaukee County House of Corrections have three days to end Thicklen ‘Attica’ style, I’m not the praying sort, but one can hope.

I hope I don’t sound too squishy, but just love yourself. If you’ve never focused on that contemplatively, you’ll be surprised how much it can change things. It’s not a quick fix, but it does work in time. And authentic mindfulness meditation learned from a credible source. Happier is relative to some extent, but

I’m glad a Japanese man won that race. Fuck you, Terry Frei. WW2 is behind us, Japan is our ally, and Terry Frei is a fucking world class, xenophobic moron.

I haven’t played MP since the first “Ghost Recon” but in doing that for years I never heard a single racist comment (we used RogerWilco and Team Speak.) It seems things have really changed.