
“The Descent” by Jeff Long, feeling bad now too.

So, does this mean Jeff Long’s “The Descent” could never happen after all?

Brilliant, ten million clappy hand fireball now!

Now that the nearly eight years of divisive lying and racist rhetoric of the right has totally failed into a massive Trump collapsar, you want to pull out a Phoenix of viability and respectability. Fuck that shit, they can ride the wave of the shit storm they started for a while IMO. Right wing = whack in the USA for

FB is privately owned, not a news outlet, and therefore under no compulsion to behave like an unbiased news service.


Incredibly well done, loved it. More please.

The timing couldn’t be better, no really, Charlie Jane is now free, and can therefore TAKEOVER the site for them! You’re welcome.


“Satellites” app has a nice constellation overlay for direction and location. But, it’s all clouds here so no go for me.

Oh yeah, I totally gassed in my first ROSS/RMA/Sambo class, that was a scary experience. Purposefully setting out to kick a punching back until I could no longer stand and hit it was something I took a more deliberate approach toward, and I made it more of a quest if you will. Gassing on the mat was wholly unexpected,

Sure thing. I feel you’re exactly right. Over time, the arts have been changed with a focus towards flash, and away from their true combative potential in applications. It has hurt their purpose too, which was meant to the be the inviolate transmission of knowledge down through time. Modern ego and the disregard for

This is true of some styles, take Kendo for example. Modern as it is, Kendo has an austerity testing phase that can kill the student from exhaustion if they’re not properly prepared. That’s how hard it will test you.

Shaky cam has long been the death of good direction and fight choreography in Western cinema. Directors who resort to it are drooling idiots. Hong Kong methods, or Michael Mann’s approach, big budget, would equal box office action gold.

Holy shit, that is fantastic!

Well done.

I can hardly wait for “Captain America: The Reconstruction.”

The Taiji style I now practice ( a little know family style) is wholly contained within it’s forms. There are two, they encompass the art, and train the mind and body along the principles of the art.