Ersatz Haderach

Too bad the N95 doesn’t filter out the ‘rona virus. It filters out 95% of airborne particles, but ‘rona ain’t one of them.

I would be personally thrilled if you would get it yourself, and die horribly. Hope your mother gets it too.

Then I wish it on your mother...

COVID-19 is funny til your Sugar Daddy dies and you end up broke. LOL.

Don’t blame Kimmel for the hit pieces you write. You thought you had an easy target and this made-up shit would write itself. Joke’s on you, turd

My mood pic

Why bother him with reality? He clearly makes a mediocre living at writing lame, untrue bullshit. It’s like he’s auditioning for a position at The Onion.

Said a troll ass troll hisself

I hope this is it.

Alabama: Where family reunions and weddings happen at the same time.

And yet Sheboygan-style sushi never took off...

Deport that shirt, amirite? There’s no Sanctuary City for that shit.