
It used to be that graphics engines were judged by their ability to render realistic looking water. Nowadays, most engines have pretty damn good looking water.

Teabag counter? Do players drink tea while playing? Are teabags thrown in game?

(1) There's a mute button.

Try to think of it as a soccer match. When someone scores, the announcer screams "Goal" for a long time. They kinda expect you to realize that Team A just scored on Team B. Like "why are you watching this if you don't understand". Same with smash. The announcers kinda figure "well if you're watching a pro match live

Much more than the number of kills.

Let me know when it hits full-release and we'll talk. I've been burned by too many early-access games to buy into something like this again. The survival game that makes it out of early-access limbo in the over-saturated market will be the one to rule them all.

based on the 3,800 team kills i'd say yes

Thanks for the recommendation!

The GTX 960 averaged 52fps at 1920x1200 — 11% faster than the GTX 760 yet still 31% slower than the GTX 970. Compared to the R9 285, the GTX 960 was 21% faster, but 2% slower than the R9 280X.

Yes? More than ever actually. PC gaming has been constantly growing past 6 years after severe downfall and hit new record last year. Mostly thanks to MOBA, MMO's (less so these days) and Steam with the whole new ecosystem it has created, with PC being the target for indies.

I would technically, yes. But not even the top end GPUs at the moment can do VXGI at full speed for a game (only a static demo), MFAA is Nvidia only (both consoles are AMD) and DSR, while simply a way to get super sampling across more games, is again, not going to happen on a lower end card found in the XB1 and PS4,

Maybe if Microsoft didn't change the design from the perfection that was the Xbox 360 controller, it would already be sold out too. Those bumpers are so bad.

Now playing

Highlight Reel is Kotaku's regular roundup of great plays, stunts, records and other great moments from around the gaming world. If you see or record an amazing feat while playing a game or watching a stream, let us know at

That's pretty weird. You should see a therapist about that.

This would be a dangerous gun to holster. "Oops, hooked the trigger and shot my Boba Foot off."

It's his cape! Which, apparently, is hard to keep in good shape. AND it's a liability!

Star Wars is a franchise with so much gaming potential. In depth universe, cool creatures/characters/locales. How do they manage to screw that up so much?

Everything I've seen made it look like a Star Wars version of Arkham City with cover based blaster combat. What exactly were you looking at?

or Battlefront 3