The English Wheel

RWB Porsche and a sick Ultima GTR build. Super Car Sunday So Cal


California CHP do this all the time. Do 90 in a 65 with no lights on. They get on your bumper and expect you to move over and when you don't they put there lights on for a few seconds until you do move over.

I stop and help him... And also slip illegal substances into his pockets.

I laughed my balls off. :)

The real danger here is people trusting a system that cannot deal with every situation known to man and trusting that system completely.


Just watch, pretty soon they will drum up a federal law for tractor trailers that don’t have any branding to at least have some shapes painted onto the side to distinguish it from the horizon. What will your shape of choice be? I know what you're thinking... Lol

I hate when people post videos and narrate it with all their pointless thoughts as if the person watching the video can’t see the red light, or the speed. Jesus, do you think we are blind and need arrows and circles to see stuff!??

At least put some rivet fender flares on and equip some real rubber. Gosh...

I test drive every fast car I work on, especially when I go to lunch, and when I have to grab parts, or go home for the evening, or go out on a date... Jk lol

A truck so badass even it's flares have flares.

Congrats on proving that nobody gives a shit.

Sounds like a mini, then someone throws rocks in a blender.

Stake nuts come off easy with the proper impact gun. Never had an issue using my nitro cat gun, 1200 lb/ft torque. Cost me about $160

Lol at breaker bars and cheap impact wrenches.

Leads me back to Paul Walker... Any chance this issue might have been present in the Carrera GT?

I know it’s hard to distinguish a public road from your own driveway when you’re just trying to get home from the bar and someone more awesome than you parks their audi in the way.

The new Prius also uses lithium ion battery packs, and every cell phone known to man.

And laugh they did, not because it was funny, but because it was pathetic.