Ado About Nothing

I think after Blizzard releases the full length feature film rated PG-13 and targeted at the Incredibles audience it will be an easier sell.
Remember the WOW film? A test run, I think.
WOW was an IP that was flagging when the film released, and Overwatch was just getting its start as a big hit game.

Family was at the local mexican place.
Look up. See Overwatch instead of soccer.

Your right.
Illiteracy will be our greatest weapon in the coming Grammar Wars.

Nah, I like discourse.
Thanks though!

Well, at least we know who to toss into the lava come November.

No problem!
Another INSANE thing I just learned while pursuing my final Masters course in Education. Kids who are labelled ED (Emotionally Disabled) get supports in schools based on their contexts. HOWEVER, kids who are labelled “maladjusted” experience the same emotional disturbances but are placed in detention

Bit much.

Emboldened Trump voters come Mueller time.

For them, the story matters more than the reality.

On a long enough timeline, everything will run Crysis 3.

Insurance money during a drop in value?

Pretty sure that Mitch has been around longer.
Those things can live forever.

God I hope that number has dropped. 

This. Remember the 6th. Get your family out to get registered. Especially in Ohio.

Rare footage of Mitch McConnell interacting with Betsy DeVos

Man that reads like a Christmas list.
Imagining Santa with a toddler in a restaurant confronting DeVos over charter schools now.
“Ho Ho Hopefully by now you recognize that this is segregating our society and perpetuating a lower class. Merry get the fuck out of your job you feckless misinformed trust fund plutocrat!”

Eh. Fuck Wypipo is overrated.
Fuck “The Landed Gentry.
Fuck the people who feel safe.

The Irony of this name defending Trump.