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How is my comment tasteless? Making the observation that this article wouldn’t have been out of place on Jezebel somehow makes it tasteless?

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Seriously? You chose that terrible song from “Home Movies” instead of something from “Metalacalypse”? There are three songs off of the top of my head that are better, just from the first Dethklok CD...

Um... suck it? I’ve never even been to that shithole of a website... nor am I republican, or right wing.

For real? My god, man...

Dude... stop trying to push your own opinions on to other people... you might think wishing that a particular Honda had been RWD is stupid, and that’s fine, but no one asked for your opinion. The article asked people about what car they wish had been RWD, and they’re answering it with the car that they wished was

Did a Jezebel article accidentally get posted to Jalopnik? Because this totally sounds like a Jezebel article... Just an observation... Lol

I have a question... Why the fuck do they even use electric door mechanisms, when they have to have a mechanical release anyway? Just stop using electric door mechanisms. What the fuck’s the point of using them? This is a case of someone fixing something that wasn’t broken. Just use mechanical door release mechanisms,

Indeed... Forza 4 for Xbox 360 has better sounds... it amazes me how Polyphony Digital have neglected this aspect of their game all these years. That’s part of the reason I ditched Gran Turismo after GT4... the other part is because Gran Turismo 4's handling engine was terrible. Truly. In every way aside from

In regards to sounds, Polyphony is trailing far behind Turn 10's “Forza” franchise... the newest Forza game I own, Forza Motorsport 4, which is for Xbox 360, has better sounds... that should give you an idea how far behind they’re lagging...

From what I saw, he didn’t even inhale, so, even if a minute amount of THC ended up in his system, if he drinks a gallon or two of water before that happens, nothing is going to show up.

That’s because you’re playing Gran Turismo, which has probably the worst engine and game sounds in the industry. Not too mention the spring rate was set too low, causing parts of the body to hit the ground constantly.

For fuck’s sake... I’m pretty sure he didn’t even inhale... at no point did he look like he was stoned to me. Also, hey Air Force... how do you know that there was any actual Marijuana in that blunt? I could hand roll a blunt filled with nothing but tobacco, go live on YouTube, and act like I’m getting high... and no

Learn your Corvette history. This is the Corvette fulfilling its destiny. This has been coming, literally, for decades... if this move to a rear mid engine configuration surprises you, you should probably brush up on your Corvette history... and read about a man named “Zora Arkus-Duntov”... a.k.a. “The Father of the

I dunno... I’m not sure the side of the car ever touched the ground... I watched closely, and I didn’t notice any damage to that side in the second video...

That was quite a save...

Take the star! That’s the most hilarious infographic I’ve ever seen...

This touches on something I’ve been thinking about for a while... I think that there should be a law passed in the U.S. that allows car manufacturers to newly manufacture older cars so long as they’re built exactly as they were originally. I think this is entirely reasonable, and here’s why:

Whoops, heh, not sure how I missed that, though, I would have liked it if they went a little more in-depth on that...

I’m surprised there’s no mention of the few attempted Duesenberg revivals that happened between WWII and the 1970's...

I’m not still using it. And I’m not trying to defend it now. Why? Because I don’t have to. Why? Because the C8.R proves it’s not a Cadillac. Which is the whole point I was making in the first place.