Thankfully, us Leaf Fans have never experienced a 4-1 lead collapse before tonight.
“The car for people who want to be James Bond, but are really just James May.”
he made fun of the car you had in high school, didnt he?
should have called it The Assholes
The Big Short doesn’t fit in with the rest of these movies because it’s ruined by Christian Bale and not Ryan Gosling.
The black screen before a takedown is annoying and immersion breaking. There are plenty of games that have takedown sequences that don’t take the player out of the game.
Honestly Destiny could learn a lesson from how Doom handles health.
Half the reason why guardians stay as far away from the enemy as possible on higher difficulties is that enemies can put out a literal wall of bullets that are capable of ripping a player in half in a couple of seconds.
Even if you’ve spec’d your…
Except Aimee doesn’t sound happy about it at all. She sounds miserable as hell, like being alone is not something she wants but something she must get used to. Resigned to her fate so to speak.
What is it with other people being so goddamn shitty about other people lives and their lifestyle choices? These are the same people who can’t imagine a married couple being childless by choice. Not everyone wants the same things in life but that doesn’t mean their lives are without content.
Merry Christmas everyone!
Actually the Browns not even winning the title of the worst NFL team ever is the most Browns thing that could have happened.
this is the only comment that needs to appear here.
I think it’s great that Tesla has a sense of humor. The Big Three certainly don’t. Things like make me like Musk and Tesla much more. Life should be fun; it’s nice that some fun energy is put into these newer products. I hope Tesla keeps doing stuff like this.
This is the “maybe the president should get back to work instead of golfing” comment, right?
Because the software engineers work on the physical car design?
You correctly have The Raid: Redemption listed, but I don't see The Raid 2 listed right after that. Please correct this omission.
Ahh, The Protector. That fight scene was only made better when Kajetokun found it and redubbed the whole thing with voice clips and sound effects from just about every 90s and early 2000s fighting game.
If you get into a highway accident with a new car these days, you can walk away with some cuts and bruises sometime.