
Really? I jump my 2/1600 all the time and I've never done that. And none of my crew has ever told me to. Not trying to be a troll, just asking about the mechanics of it. I'm always cool to learn new things, especially if it helps me win.

Love my 2001 Miata, loved my 1990 Miata. Anxiously awaiting this Alfiata coming in 2015. They better not eff it up!

Then you're meeting the wrong women.

Agreed. Sure it rides a bit higher but is there any travel at those wheels? Approach angles? Shit, just some real off road tires? Lockers? Until I have this information I can't really get behind the whole "offroad" concept.

OMG shut up and take my money. I would be all over this like stink on shit. And if it were RWD with a turbo I'd buy two.

Thanks for the inclusion of the Samurai. While I currently run a 2/1600 out in the desert, it was awesome to see some of the folks from Zuki World come out and race. Sure they are slow, but the teams all said it was an inexpensive way to get into racing. Check it:…

Or break out the MaxTrax. We took these recovery devices to Morocco for the Rallye Aicha des Gazelles and they were fantastic. Just have to be careful to ease up on to them and not spin your tires.

My 2001 Miata is a shitty car to solo drive cross country, and I do it every year. DC to CA. Sometimes I get really stupid and do it in 3 days. While that in no way compares to Alex Roy or anything, it still blows. It's loud, you can't go very fast and even 80 mph is revving at 4300rpm. It's difficult (tho not

Nice article, Jason. I'm a fan of this, esp. the rear end.

zomg. It's Mega Monkey but I may change it to Moonbeam Maria. NO! Moonbeam Miata!

Would you?

What? I was in a production of Sound of Music!

I once told a cop that I was an escaped nun meeting my pals to go bowling, and that's why I took a corner in the miata at an excessive rate of speed. The fact that I was actually dressed like a nun only added to my sincerity.

Driver's name is Buddy Crisp and he's completely awesome. 

Indeed. I drive 1600 and I (unfortunately) live on the east coast. So factor in a flight out, a drive from LAX to Barstow or wherever, sharing a hotel room with stinky, snoring guys, a race, and a red eye back to DC (shower probably not taken) to be at my day job by 9am on Monday. And I totally love every minute of

Me too Toby!! You were such a hero that day! A billion hours in a class 11 FTW!!!

Thank you for the compliment! Yes many pictures and stories will be posted. You can always follow along at and @CourageGazelles

Re shitting yourself at the Baja 1000: I am now the proud owner of that car. We got new seats.

I am willing to bet that Hans Solo also kicks ass in autocross.

Good answer!! I'm equal opportunity sexist too. The drooling goes both ways, baby!